Chapter 2

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Graduation Day is approaching really fast. I'm so excited at the fact that after graduation I can already fulfill my dreams. I hope I will get medals. I'll do my very best.

A few minutes later, my phone started ringing, I looked at it and saw that Kate is calling me.

"Hey" I said as I answer the phone

"Stacey, I have to tell you something"

"About what?" I asked

"BTS," I can hear her squeal "they're so handsome!" She continued

"Oh, c'mon Kate. I know that already, you keep on saying that everytime we see each other." I chuckled

"Fine. But seriously, they'll be having their world tour. And guess what? London is part of it!" She said, "and we need to go"

"I can't" I sighed, "Why not?" She asks

"Well because I still need to study for the exams. So, when is it happening?" I asked

"2 days before graduation" she reply whispering the last part

"Hm, I see. You're still going to review for the exams though you're going to see them, aren't you?" I huffed

"Of course, I will!"

"Well, good luck then, and have fun" I said laughing

"Aish, will you stop" she said

"Stop what? Im not doing anything" I reply

"Well, you're obviously laughing" I can't stop laughing to the point that I didn't notice that she already hung up the phone. I decided to text her.

To: Kateyyyy :)

'Hey, didn't know you already hung up. Lol. Anyway, I'm sorry. Didn't really mean to laugh at you, I just can't stand the fact knowing that you'll do anything just to go to that concert, even though the exams are still on going.' I press send. After a minute, my phone buzzed, knowing its a text from Kate

From: Kateyyyy :)

'Hahahahaha! Don't worry, its fine! Anyway, I have to go to the supermarket. I'll text you when Im back. Bye~' I smiled at her message, she never really can stay mad at me for atleast a minute.


I looked at the time from my phone and it says 8:45 pm, its already been 30 mins since Kate told me she's going to the supermarket.

I was about to sleep when my phone rang, when I saw the caller ID, I answered it quickly.

"What took you so long? I was about to sleep, you know?" I snickered

"It was hard to look for a parking. The supermarket was crowded." she reply

"Well, what's new with that," I said laughing "Hey anyway, do you want to go to the park tomorrow? After class." I asked

"Since when do you like to go to the park?"

"Well, I missed visiting the park. Plus, Im going to tell you something" I reply

"Okay, sure!" Kate said, "Yay! But for now, let me sleep." I said yawning

"Bye" then I hung up

*Next day

I arrived at school 30 mins before the homeroom class starts. I decided to go to my locker to leave some of the books I brought. When I was about to go to the classroom, I saw Kate running towards me.

"I brought some snacks for later" she said panting

"Thanks, but you don't really have too." I said smiling

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