Chapter 1

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Mare was waiting for the other Anti-Hero's, them just having woken up. She was sipping some coffee, thoughts going through her mind. Once her subordinates got there, breakfast was served and they ate. 

The tallest finished first and took her coffee with her, going to the library. She grabbed a horror story and sat on one of the three chairs that surrounds a coffee table. She sat back, coffee in one hand and her tentacle holding the book. The other three laid around her as she read, drinking some coffee.

A few hours into the day, around 2pm, the Anti-Hero's went on a mission. It was the typical job of causing mayhem and destruction. When they got there, they were immediately surprised. The AU they targeted was… Destroyed. 

There was blood and monster dust everywhere. Mare reached out with her senses, tentacles curling around her. Their sharp edges grew sharper as she looked around. Dust looked at her boss. "What do we do?" Mare looked at the hooded one. "Search around, see if there's any survivors." The team nodded and split up, groups of two. Dust went with Horror and Error went with Killer. Mare went alone. 

Her senses couldn't pick anything up, as if they were useless. She knew from past experiences that after causing havoc and destruction there was a heavy feeling of negativity… Even if every last one of them are killed. It irritated her that he couldn't pick a damn thing up. 

Mare took a deep breath and came across an area that had a shady figure that looked much like her. There are not really any details that she could make out at this distance. After a  moment of gazing at her, they vanished. After the disappearance, she was suddenly hit with the negativity from the aftermath. Mare was confused. Who were they?  Why why were they here? Why did they do this? 

She was trying to wrap her head around what she just saw as well as her thoughts when Horror, Killer, Dust, and Error came back. "No survivors, m'lord." Dust reported. Killer said the same thing. She would know if they were lying, but nodded. Horror was a bit concerned, noticing how her tentacles were just laying limp around him. 

The tentacles aren't usually limp around the boss. They were usually sharpened at the edges and tips or twitching every now and again while laying there. This time, there was no movement. Her tentacles weren't even sharpened at all.

Horror hesitated. Should he really ask? He decided that they will once they're back at the castle, in the throne room. Mare opened a portal and let them walk through, then followed. She closed it. Killer's fingertips were bleeding. 

 "Assassin, let me see your hand, please." Killer faced her and put her hand in hers, her palm facing up. Killer's hand had a deep cut. The tallest gave Error a questioning, silent look. Error shook her head, unknowing of it. She turned her attention back to the soulless one. "Where'd it come from?" "I don't know, sir. I didn't even know I had it." 

That led Mare to assume the unknown figure did this. The could've done it without her noticing. But that didn't make sense to her at the same time. How could they slip by doing that? It would be obvious if they tried… It makes it harder because both had extremely strong senses. 

Mare pushed away those thoughts. "Alright, Kills. The rest of you can leave. Killer, go to Lust. Get your hand treated." The team split and went their own ways. Killer left to get her hand treated by their healer, Lust. Horror had stayed behind and looked at Mare. "Boss?" He asked. Her blue eye drifted to face him. "Yes, Horror?" "Are you alright? You seem…. Lost." He admitted. 

 Mare sighed, but smiled. "I'm alright Horror. Thank you for your concern." Horror nodded and left, leaving Mare to ponder more. Were they a threat? She sighed and left for her bedroom.

Little did she know that the shady figure was there and lurking in the shadows…. 


Here's the first chapter. I have to thank NicaNixxy , who is an amazing roleplay buddy and friend for the idea. The idea of Lust being the healer for the Anti-Hero's came from our roleplay. Cya,

Al, 1:40am

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