Another Type of Bliss

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Snatching a towel from a staff member, "What if it's a man?" Kai giggled while plopping down on the couch in their dressing room. He tapped the sweat from his brow. He avoided Aoi's venomous stare while secretly glancing to the other members with the help of his towel.

"Yeah," Uruha chimed in with an entertained expression set of his strong features, "What. If. It. Is. A. Man?" His face became more animatedly sly with each word. He sat himself in alone chair and tended to the laces of his boots side eyeing Aoi.

"You'll have to prepare," Ruki paused waiting for everyone's eyes to go to him, "but the results could be the same, " His painted brows bounced suggestively. The slight smirk from Reita and blast of laughter from Kai was worth the can of hair spray speeding towards his head. He ducked just in time to hear the hollow metal ting off the wall behind him.

"Lube does wonders," Reita tacked on while sitting on the other side of the couch. Ruki small figure settled into the middle.

Aoi threatening stare didn't waver. He leaned off the vanity, snatching his pack of menthol Marlboro's and heading for the door. He white knuckled the knob and ripped it open. He was met by one of the tour managers. The man was barely in his 30's with thick rimmed glasses and short copper-ish hair that laid flat on his scalp. He refused to make eye contact and silently followed behind Aoi. Aoi was known for his temper and wanting space when he wanted space. They traveled through a series of halls until they reached a door with the word emergency exit above it, "Ten minutes until the encore," the manager mentioned while he opened the door for Aoi.

Aoi nodded as he was met with the musk of a wet, dimly lit alley. He stepped out. The scraping of metal against metal was masked by the foot traffic at the mouth of the alley. The sharp light behind him vanished which made an annoyed sigh leave him. 'None of this matters,' He thought. It wasn't like he was going to run into the person. They had been coming to lives since The GazettE had added this venue to the tours. At first Aoi would try to rush out, catch a glimpse of them. He had stopped that foolishness a few years back.

His eyes quickly adjusted to the dark with the help of the soft green glow of a dirty light bulb above the door he just came out of. He stepped out of the light and leaned against the cement wall. His hands got busy fishing out a cigarette and his lighter. He lit it and pulled a puff of bliss into his lungs. His head leaned back, resting on the cool cement and letting the smoke slowly seep from his lungs. He stared up only to close his eyes remembering their were no stars to be seen. His hand brought the butt of his cigarette back to his lips for another pull.

The sound of footsteps brought him from his little daze. His head refused to lift from the wall. But his neck turned to see a person in a ivory dress had turned into the alley glancing over their shoulder. Their long strands of dark hair hid their features from Aoi. They instantly stopped their steps as they noticed the darkness. A masculine figured appeared, as the person in the dress turned to leave. They took a few steps back. Further into the alley, keeping their distance from the newcomer.

Aoi couldn't see what exactly was going on, but he did hear a feminine voice snap firmly, 'let go of me.'

It was then he felt his presence couldn't be a secret anymore. "Oi," His gravely almost lazy Kansai dialect must've done it's job, because he saw the figure he believed to be women make a swift movement, "Who told you, you could touch another Mans' woman." His vocal cords took on a protective almost possessive tone.

"You don't know her." the man proclaimed in standard Japanese. "Who are you to butt in." He used his hands to motion to leave, "Piss off!"

"Anata," Aoi's deep voice softened as he stepped out of the shadows and under the green glow, "Come to me." He ignored the man completely. Aoi watched as the woman walked backwards towards him. She was smart. She never took her eyes off the man who had put his hands of her. Once she was in range, Aoi's hand without his cigarette gently snaked about her waist letting his hand dangle off her hip by his wrist. He ignored her little jump of surprise "Good Anata." She stiffly cuddled into his side.

Aoi now could see the shock on the man's face. There was no way the man didn't know he was The GazettE's Aoi. "She was ruining the live for everyone in the back. There is no way Ruki would want some no body like her upstaging him." He stumbled over his own tongue. "No way."

A bored expression took hold of Aoi's features, "No one alive could upstage Ruki." He paused bringing his cigarette to his lips. "All of GazettE finds her entertaining," He drew in another lung full of nicotine. A stream of methanol scented smoke slipped from his lips. The corners of which lifted into a cruel smirk, "specially Me."

"Come on," the guy nearly yelled, "you don't know her. You're just trying to be some big shoot."

"Anata," Aoi didn't take his eyes off the man, "Show him who you belong too."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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