prologue part 1

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Author pov

(Y/n) Kanroji have finished her mission of slaying a demon that was terrorizing a village and now just home.

'Ah I going need a nice warm bath once I arrived home or should I make some delicious food?' (Y/n) thinking till hears something which cause snap out her thoughts and quickly get on guard.

She looks around while holding the handle of her sword preparing to fight any demons only to see a horse and a carriage?

She looks around while holding the handle of her sword preparing to fight any demons only to see a horse and a carriage?

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(Ignore the school for the moment)

"Oh its just two horse!" (Y/n) smiles at the two horses but then noticed no one was leading the horses "Huh it's very strange where the owner....wait." (Y/n) then looks to see inside the carriage and see a coffin.

"Why there a coffin inside??" (Y/n) got curious but still keeping her guard up till suddenly some kind of forces urges her to be near which the door and the coffin had opened.

Suddenly (Y/n) had blacked out.


Ah my lovely beloved.

The noble and beautiful flower of evil.

You are the most beautiful, number one in this world.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most.....

For thee, guided by the Mirror of darkness,

Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.

Flames that turn even the stars into ashes,

Ice that imprisoned even time,

Great tree that swallow even the sky,

Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,

Come now, show me your power.

Mine, theirs, and yours,

There's only little time left for us.

Do not let go of that hand, at all costs

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