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Zayn walked down the side walk and looked around he saw the sign for the pub that Niall wanted him to come to. He increased his pace and made his to the pub.

He pushed open the door of the pub. Immediately he heard soft 80's music playing in the background. The place was calm people sitting at their tables sipping their drinks and talking and having a laugh. The place was so much more different than the pubs that Zayn was used to Louis dragging him to.

The places that Zayn usually went was filled with guys drunk of his ass, a minimum of 3 bar fights and the place had pounding music and at least one person would be out back puking his/her guts. Comparatively this place was so much calmer. He didn't know whether he like it or not...

"Zayn!" Niall calls out to him. Zayn turns his head in the direction of the sound. He saw Niall sitting by the bar counter.

Zayn walked up to him and took a seat by the bar counter. To others the two looked like polar opposites. Niall was sitting by the bar counter wearing a formal suit, hair gelled and combed and his posture was perfect.

While Zayn on the other hand was wearing skinny jeans and a black leather jacket, his black hair was as messy as it could ever get.

"So you did come and you are early" Niall said.

"I said I would be here and it's a gentleman's honor to be here early" Zayn said causing Niall to chuckle a little.

Niall signaled the bartender to bring two bottles on beer. A few moments passed and the bartender brought the beers.

"So, Zayn if I am going to hire you I need to know everything" Niall said taking his first sip of beer.

"You mean you want to know about my past" Zayn said nodding his head gravely. Taking into account what really Niall meant.

"Yeah... and judging by your reaction is wasn't exactly a typical walk in the park" Niall said. Niall actually started to feel bad for asking the question.

"No need to feel bad about asking I can tell you but it is a long story" Zayn said reading Niall's expression knowing that he was feeling bad about asking. He understood why Niall wanted to know. I mean Zayn knew he wasn't exactly the perfect guy to be a lawyer.

"I have time" Niall smiled Zayn returned the smile.

Zayn took a sip of his beer and started to speak.

"I was born in London but my dad got a transfer here to New York when I was five. So, I don't remember much about London. When I was 8, I figured I was different. I mean I was smarter than the others. I got the highest score in class and I knew the answers to questions that weren't even asked in class. Soon enough everyone figured out I was different. Then of course the whole nerd thing happened. You know the bullying, the class topping and socially awkward thing. But it didn't bother me much wasn't exactly the social butterfly. After school I got into Columbia law" Zayn said taking in another large sip of his beer.

"I don't get it... Then where did it all go wrong?" Niall questioned.

"It changed 4 weeks after I joined Columbia my dad got arrested for gold smuggling. No one in my family knew about his side business. I really looked up to him so that night he got arrested I was really upset. So, for some reason I let my mate drag me to a bar. I probably should have stopped drinking at some point but I didn't. Most of that night is blurry even now. But at some point, I made my way to the Dean's house. I still have no idea what the hell I said the night. But it must have been something to piss him off cause the next day I got a letter saying that I am expelled" Zayn spoke. It was bringing about the same feeling of dread, anger and helplessness in Zayn just talking about the day.

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