The cousins

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Today was the day THEE day. Today I was going to introduce Bucky to someone I hold deep in my heart. My cousin Sheilah me and her are the definition of cousin soulmates. I am a bit worried they won't get along although they both have many similarities I'm afraid they might not get along because of it.

Sheilah was moving into the avengers tower with us since she had just found out she has powers. It was only a matter of time before she developed some it runs in our family. Me and bucky were going to pick her up at her apartment and help her with the move.

We soon pulled up and the nerves set it i looked to my right and saw Bucky was nervous as well. Her liking him means everything to me my whole life she has always been there through every heartbreak, bad period cramp, and just depressed days defending and protecting me. She was one of the few people who's opinion mattered to me. I could feel buckys Palm get sweaty as he had his hand on my thigh. It was a habit he had whenever I was the one driving. We walked up to the apartment and knocked on the door.


* opens door*

" Lexi!!! Your here omgggg I missed you so much!!" She squealed as she hugged the life out of me.

" shei-lah your kil-ling me."

" oh sorry sorry I got a little excited there."

" lmao it's ok I wanna introduce you to my boyfriend his name is James but everyone calls him Bucky. Bucky this is my cousin Sheilah."

" it's an honor to meet you miss Lexi talks about you so much she really loves you ya know."

" thank you Bucky the honor is all mine you should see the paragraphs she sends me all about how perfect and amazing you are. I honestly think she might love you more." They both looked at me awaiting an answer.

" oh no I'm not falling in that trap let's just get your things and go back to the tower." I said with a small chuckle.


We just got Sheilah settled into her room and let's just say her and Bucky get along great. The whole ride over here they made fun of old elementary photos of me. I would be mad if I wasn't so happy they were getting along.

They have literally become besties in the span of 4 hours it's honestly the cutest thing ever. They even made plans to go paint balling next week. Me and Sam are totally tagging along.

It's been a few weeks since Sheilah moved in and things have been going great Bucky and her always make fun of me and Sam. We always get them back with a prank. The other day they made fun of our suits. Me and Sam take our suits very VERY seriously. So in order to get back at them we put itching powder in their suits. Let's just say they had a harder time on the mission than most.


1 year later

Bucky and I are engaged!!! He asked me on our 2 year anniversary 2 months ago and of course I screamed yes! He's the love of my life and I can't imagine my life without him.

Sheilah and Sam have a secret thing going on that they think is secret. Me and bucky can definitely tell but we are waiting for them to be ready to tell us.

" so Lexi how's the big pimple on your forehead. You sure that thing will be gone by the time the wedding comes?" Sheilah asked well more like made fun of me for.

" pimple I thought that was a volcano!" Bucky added

" haha. Hey Sam do you think it's to late to say no."

" oh its way to late for that doll your stuck with me now." Bucky answered for Sam.

" oh really cuz I'm pretty sure I can just..." then I took off my gorgeous engagement ring. AS A JOKE IM DEFINITELY MARRYING THIS IDIOT. I then pretend to be mad as I set the ring on the table and looked away from him.

" awwww come on doll I was kiddingggg! You know I would love you even with 30 volcanoes on your face."

" dude not helping." Sam commented seeing me actually get irritated. I got up and walked into me and buckys shared room slamming the door behind me.

I changed into on of his shirts and boxers and decided to take a nap to try and calm down. After about 2 hours I woke up to an arm draped over my waist. I knew it was Bucky he had a letter in his hand he must have been waiting for me to wake up to give it to me and fallen asleep waiting. I took the letter and opened it.

    I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to make you feel anything less than beautiful. Trust me you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. In fact your so beautiful I just know our future daughters are going to be drop dead gorgeous like their mother. What I meant by I would love you even if you had 30 pimples is that I fell in love with you who you are not your face that was just an added bonus. Don't get me wrong I love your face especially your beautiful soft lips. Any ways the point is I'm sorry and I love you doll. Please still marry me :,( .

That's when I noticed the engagement ring was on my left hand again I chuckled softly at the sleeping idiot next to me. Of course I was still going to marry him have you met this man. I turned to face him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He hummed in happiness and opened his eyes and smiled like he had just won the lottery.

" I love you so much doll."

" I love you more buck."

" so does this mean your still gonna marry me?"

" mmmmm I'll think abou-" suddenly I was under him as he looked straight down at me.

" Your marrying me."

" you know your cute when your bossy."

" oh yea?" He said as he began to kiss my neck

" careful Sargent or you might make a baby before the wedding." And just like that my clothes were off.


To be honest I was still a little bitter after Sheilah and Buckys comments earlier so me and Sam had to get them back. The plan was that Sam would put hair dye in Sheilahs shampoo. A classic. And I would have the harder job. I would have to sedate Bucky while he slept so I could cut his hair. We pulled this all of in the middle of the night.

The next morning I woke up to Sheilahs scream. I ran out of my room and into the living room were I heard her voice coming from.

" what the fuck why are yel-"

" oh shit Sam I thought we agreed on blonde!" I  yelled at Sam as I tried very hard to hold in my laugh

" MY HAIR IS PINK! PINK!!" Just as Sheilah said that an even girlier scream came from my room we all ran into to check who it was. Just as we ran in Bucky ran out of our bathroom.

" MY HAIRRR!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL LOCKS ARE GONE WERE DID THEY GO!! WHO DID THIS?!" I couldn't not contain my laughter I was doubled over wheezing.


1 month later 1 week after the wedding


" what?! what did I do?!"


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