Chapter 14

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The space in my room feels to small, even though it's big.  I need to get some air.
"Plagg claws out!"  I leap out my window, and run from roof to roof.  Is there anyone to talk to?  I used to go talk to my Princess, well Marinette, before.  But who will I talk to now?  Why did Hawkmoth have to get in the way of everything?  Including my love life? 

I felt like breaking something.  But that wouldn't look good on my part.  So I just wander around, looking at the ground.  My feet seem to have a mind of there own, when I look up, I see Marinette's bakery. 

I can hear what sounds like crying, and I can only guess who it is.  I hop up onto the rooftop and go towards her balcony.  When I look over the edge, I see Marinette leaning against her railing shivering with silent sobs. 

Why?  I wondered was she sad? 
I quietly climb down and walk towards her.  I can here her mumbling,

"why did Hawkmoth even have to show up?  Why can't it all just be easier?  Why can't I be with Chat...?" 
The last question takes me by surprise.  She still wants to be with me?  After all this time I miss understood.  Even when ladybug tried to explain I pushed the truth away.  My poor Princess. 

"Princess..." I say aloud and run up to her as she jumps and spins around at the sound of my voice.  I smack into her with a hug.  Me on my knees, staring up at her, big tears keep pouring down her face and I hug tighter.  She slips down on her knees too, and now I'm crying.  Silent tears roll down my cheeks but I ignore them. 
"Chat?  What are y-you doing here?"  She says while still crying. 
"Oh Princess... I'm so sorry...". I sob and bury my face into her with shame.  Crying is embarrassing. 
"I'm s-sorry too...". She cries harder and hugs me back. 
We sit there for a while cradling each other.  Neither of us wanting to move.  She shivers again, I realize she's only wearing a sweater.  I look up at the sky and a raindrop lands in my face.  No wonder she's cold.  I shiver next and she does to. 

"Maybe we should go inside...". She suggests and slowly gets to her feet.  I sniff and wipe my eyes dry. 

"Ok...". We climb through her trap door into her room.  She jumps onto her bed, and swaddles herself into her duvet.  I sit on her couch.  She stands up still wrapped in her blanket and joins me in the couch.  She turns so that we face each other.  Mari looks funny with only her head poking out of her blanket.  I can't help but laugh slightly. 

"What? What's so funny?"  She says confused.  I point to her and laugh more. 

"The way you look in that blanket!  Haha..."  I laugh as I look at her.  She laughs too.  We slowly quiet down as we stare at each other.  Her smile fades to serious.

"I'm sorry you saw me with Luka the other day...". She looks away at the floor. 

"If you don't mind me asking... why were you even with him?" 

"Well... he kinda... just came to walk me home.  And then we went to the park... and then he tried to kiss me and I... left him there.  Because... I didn't want to kiss him."  She looked back at me with shame and apology on her eyes.  I wanted to tackle her in a hug right then and there.  "Because... I felt... I don't know...". She trailed off and looked away again. 

"You were being loyal to me?"  I realized.  She did love me...  she nodded still looking at the floor. 

"Chat... I didn't even see him that... that 'way'.  And honestly... I tried to pretend it was you."  She looks back at me, a single tear escapes her eye. 

"Oh princess...  I'm so sorry...". I trailed off putting my head in my hands. 

"W-why are y-you sorry?"  She said, more tears spilling.  I uncovered my face, and my eyes met hers. 

"I'm sorry for not being able to understand before...  for not being there for you."  I felt horrible.  She looked around her room, maybe trying to think of what to say next. 

"Chat... I'm sorry for not explaining better, for not being... better for you."  She was now covering her wet face in her hands and blanket. 

We sat there for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. 

"Want to watch a movie?"  She said breaking the silence.  I smiled.

"Sure."  I reply.

She grabbed her laptop from her desk, and came back on the couch still wrapped up in her duvet.  She turned the computer on and typed in her password probably not noting I was Watching.  As I watched her fingers slide from key to key, I saw her password . 


She really did love Adrien, well, me.  She opened Netflix and went to the search bar. 

"So, what's your favourite pirates of the Caribbean movie?"  She asked turning to me. 

"The third one."  I said looking at her too.

"No way... mine too."  She types it in and starts the movie.  Once it gets going, she props it on her desk chair.  Then she leans into me.  I shiver.  She looks at me confused, then sits up and opens one arm offering me the blanket.  I take the corner and wrap half the blanket around myself.  At the same time we lean our shoulders together.  I wrap one arm around her shoulders and she cuddles into me.  I relax into the couch, and she relaxes into me. 
We watch the movie in silence for a while, I wonder if I should say anything. 

"Who's your favourite character?"  She asks. 

"Jack Sparrow of of course." I say and look down at the beautiful girl next to me. 

"You mean 'Captain'."  She looks up at me a cheeky smile on her face.  I smirk.

"Yes Einstein, Captain."  I smile, and we both laugh. 

"Thanks for coming here today."  She says looking back at the movie.  The crew had just arrived at worlds end to save jack. 

"No Problem Princess."  I say and kiss her forehead. 

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