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Tae's POV

After getting my schedule I quickly find my classroom and gladly found it soon. I came 10 minutes earlier so only few of the students are here. I take the seat at the back near the window and waited for the teacher to come.

"Is he the new student? He's so pretty." I heard one girl said.

" Is he even a boy?" Another one said.

I just ignored them because I really don't wanna hear them talking about me.

After a few minutes, the teacher finally came.

"Good morning, so we have a new student. Please come to the front and introduce yourself."

She said looking at me.

I walked to the front looking down.

" By the way, I am Mrs. Santos your English teacher."

She said and I bowed. I am about to introduce myself when the door opened.

I looked at the door and saw the boy I bumped into.

" Mr. Jeon, your late again! Didn't I -"

Mrs. Santos was cutted off by that raven haired boy.
He looked at me smirking before saying

" Cut it off Mrs. Santos, we don't want that new kids legs to be numb now, do we?

Mrs. Santos just sighed and tell me to introduce myself.


I sat down on the vacant seat beside a chair with a purple bag on it. I guess it's that kids coz there's no other vacant seat in the room.

"Hi, my name is Kim Taehyung, I'm 18 years old and I hope to be friends with you."

He said and bowed before coming back to his seat that's obviously beside me.

" So the deaf has a name huh."

I whispered not looking at him.

"Please just don't talk to me. I don't talk to strangers."

He said getting his notes.

"Tsk. Stranger my ass, you'll be stuck with me for the whole year Kim, we couldn't just be strangers."

I said looking at him smirking.

He didn't reply instead he's taking notes about Mrs,. Santos' class. Tssk... Boring.

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