Chapter 5 page 3

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Before you ask Yes I completely forgot this thing even existed.
The names just so you know who is who
Nightmare: Kek (it mean god of Chaos I couldn't resist it)
Night: Nathan
Error: Ein
Dream (nightmare brother): Darryl
Dream 2 (Night brother): Darrick
Ink: Ian
Horror: Hickal berry big nooses(I'm kidding it's Herald)
Blueberry: Barry
Dust: Damien
Killer: Kyle
Anya: Nights maid friend
Weird Au Gaster who saves others from Nm: Gavin
"Fear...Fear is nothing more then an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward. Stronger and wiser within ourselves"
Derrick held Nathan closely. The two brothers were finally reunited. Derrick let's out cry's of joy.

"Brother! I've missed you so much!" He sobs as he held Nathans face.

"I've missed you too, my brother.." Nathan says with tears running down his face.

The hug hurt Nathan but he didn't say anything about it. He was with his brother so the pain will go away.

The prince's were reunited. The world can finally be what it uses to be.

..Years pass..

Nathan's bullies never bothered him again. Why you may ask...

Nathan doesn't stand like a deer in the headlights anymore. He doesn't run away anymore.


After being in Kek gloomy and painful castle. He learned that being a coward and running will not always help.

Problem always catch up so he decided it time to fight back.

Derrick found out from Nathan who told him. Derrick stood up for his brother.

Nathan and Derrick brotherly relationship has grown.

A Inseparables duo.

Or we wish it to be.
Gavin defended Derricks and Nathan's home the best he could.

Kek was irritated.

Ein, who was attempting to grab Elder with his strings responds with a sarcastic responds "A little...A LOT YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"

The entire villain group were trying to kill or EVEN JUST HURT Gavin.

Gavin dodged most of all their attack or countered them.

Gavin was getting tired as this battle was going on for Days and days.

Gavin used one more spell.

He stood still and put his hands together. The wind increased speed as his trench coat goes with the breeze.

Múltiples hands surrounded him. "May the gods have mercy on your souls"

All the hands clapped once and disappeared as something covered Gavin.

The villains were confused as all of a sudden it was raining but it burned.


The rains burned but Kek quickly toke used something as a protection as he refuse to leave without what's his.

The battle field was covered in the villains body. They weren't dead but tired. Very tired.

They also couldn't even stand

Gavin shield went down "Leave the poor kid alone. You devils."

Gavin walked away before getting caught by Kek.

"How about no..." half of Keks face was melting because of rain. But it recovered quickly.

Gavin yelled "Unhand me!"



Nathan and derrick were enjoying their times together.

But something got Derrick's attention.

"Uh..Nathan you're gonna want to see this.."

Nathan turned over to the direction and saw the ground decaying. The decay turned into a black substance.

Nathan quickly grabbed his brother and ran


Derrick and Nathan ran for their lives.

Tears of fear ran down Nathan faces "NO NO NO NO NO NO! HE'S HERE!!"

Derrick yells in confusion "WHO'S HERE!?"


Nathan hid his brother first before he quickly hid.

Yelling and screaming were heard outside.

Soon it was silent

"WHERE IS HE!!" A dark voice rained the silence

Nathan was telling his brother to stay quiet and still

Derrick was in the verge of tears. This was to much for him but he did as his brother said.

The door barged open. Kek was drenched in blood. "Come out Nathan. Come out." He walked around

He looked under the beds, In the closet. Even the fridge.


Nathan stay silent but thought to himself

'this is pathetic I should be fighting back. I'm not a coward anymore'

Derrick noticed his brother in his thoughts and shook his head as in if it wasn't a smart idea

Nathan didn't listen as once Kek was under him. Nathan jumped on him and attacked him.

Kek was caught by surprise "WHAT THE FUCK?!!"

Nathan ripped out one of kek's eyes.

Kek try to pull nathen off but to no avail.

Nathan scratched keks face and clawed him too. His hands were his only weapons.

Kek was getting annoyed before he fell backwards and hit the wall multiple times.

Nathan finally got off. His head was bleeding.

"When did you learn such confidence..." kek says as he pulled Nathan up by his hair.

" found courage..will be fun to play with" Kek lips formed a corrupted smile

Nathan didn't even flinch in fear and spit on kek

Kek growls as he smashed Nathan's skull into the wall " DISRESPECTFUL BRAT!!"

He repeated the action but didn't kill Nathan.

"I'll show you true manners! And you'll coward in fear once more!!"

Nathan got dragged out by Kek but smiled at his brother.

Nathan did this so Kek would leave. So Derrick could be safe.


So thoughts? Question? :>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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Why shouldn't I love myself  [Nightmare x passive nightmare]Where stories live. Discover now