I just wanna get this of my chest.

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Life sucks. My heart is racing, my palms are sweating, my mind is running and my body is shaking. People don't see this, sometimes I wonder if people are blind, it's either that or maybe I should be an actor. I don't know cause right now I see no future, but what I do know is that I'm sitting in my room all alone yet again, with yet an other panic attack.

What's the reason? What is the point of living in a world filled with perfect people that don't even hear or see you?

Again I don't know, I don't even know where I'm going with this and I'm not gonna act like things are perfect all tho i used to do that all the time, but what i want you to know is that things do get better.

And how do I know this you might ask, well i sure as hell didn't see her coming into my life.

And before I tell our story, I want you to know that a book has many chapters, a story can't be told in one. Trust me I know all the cliche sayings, but I also know the feeling of being trapped in our own mind, drowning yourself in thoughts, crying yourself to sleep and so much more, but still keeping that smile and laughter for everyone to see. And who is that person i talked about you might ask, well she saved me. I don't even know how, and I barely know when. I sure as hell didn't see it coming and I still don't understand it, but I'm no longer alone. We have agreed on going through hell togheter, and I have broken many promises, but this one I will never break. There is no reason to break it, she has given me a reason to live and for that I will never break this one promise. A plot twist can happen at anytime, and I'm scared for what the next chapter will bring, but at least I'm here for it, we are here for it. I don't know who saved who, but I think it's safe to say that we saved
each other.

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