Saving isn't always fixing.

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Yes you saved me. I don't know if I saved you but I know that life ain't easy for any of us, and I like to think that I at least helped saving you. We are now trying to fix piece by piece, but the fixing part comes with time and help. You can't fix everything, but you can't fix anything if you're not saved and willing to try.

But who am I to throw all this wise words at you?

Honestly I don't know cuz I'm not there yet.

I'm still living for other's and not myself, that's not safe and I know that, cuz I know everything can change. But your supposed to take chances in life, right? Yes I know that I'm kind of living on something that can fall at anytime, honestly this option was better than the other's. maybe cuz I had no other choices. I wouldn't change the option I had tho, it's almost like I won a one in a million. The first win I have had in life, and I'm okey with that. You haven't fixed me, cuz that isn't possible, and I couldn't have asked you to even try that. That's to much to ask for, But I want you to know that because of you I now smile a little more, and cry a little less.

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