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Kayla: "mane I said they. Are. Killing. Him"
Mary: "for what? Why?"
Kayla: "mane Kentrell seen what he did to you and yeah"
Mary: "no"
I grabbed my phone and started calling Kentrell. He didn't answer. I called basically the entire fucking group and not one of them dirty ass niggas answered. Kayla started driving to get food ig she ain't gaf.
Mary: "where do you think they would go after?"
Kayla: "probably Kentrells house or sum"
Mary: "lets go"
Kayla: "but my fooood"
Mary: "girl Kentrell probably got food just go"
She rolled her eyes and drove to Kentrells house. The traffic was doing to much tonight it took us like 50 minutes to get there.

Kayla: "common I think they here"
Mary: "what if he killed him for real"
I sat there quite. I mean she's right look at my face rn. Black eye, marks all over me and a bump on my lip.  Yk what that bum ass nigga deserves wtf he got.  I got out the car and walked to the front door. Kayla knocked on the door and We herd guns start cocking back.
Kayla: "Mane its Kayla open the damn door."
Kd: "man I thought you was the feds or sum knocking like that"
Kd: "come in sexy"
Kd: "oh shit Mary Wsp"
Mary: "hi"
Kayla: "I came for some food I'm hungry asf"
Joe: "mane this ain't your house"
Kayla: "shut tf up. Imma make myself sum"
Kd: "make me sum to"
Kayla: "Ight"
I seen Kentrell get up from his seat and he came over to me.
Kentrell: "I need to talk to you"
Mary; "yeah me to"
We walked upstairs together into his room. I sat at the edge of the bed and my head was just all over the place. Like Kentrell might really have killed Jordan.  Kentrell sat next to me and didn't look into my face.
Kentrell: "Mary I've been missin you foe a while now and I knew you was with that nigga...then when I seen your face I had a feeling it was his bitch ass that did that....so I did sum"
Mary: " Just don't tell me what you did, but thank you "
Kentrell: "you ain't miss a nigga?"
Mary: "Kentrell every time I would miss you I would think about you kissing that girl with me standing right there"
Kentrell: "I know I fucked up and youn gotta be with me or nun, but I wanna be around you"
Kentrell: "you know how hard it's been without you"
Mary: "Trell.."
Kentrell: " nah fr, I ain't leave the house in mad long. Those bum niggas downstairs stay be trying to get me out and I've been sitting in here writing"
Mary: "well.." I was about to say something but my phone started ringing it was my mom.  I rolled my eyes and answered .

Mary: "hello"
Mom: "Mary your dad just left me and and he took my car and he took all his stuff. " she said crying
Mary: "Mom..."
Mom: "I know what you're going to say but please come home tonight I miss you, I promise your father will not step foot in here again and and your room is exactly the way it was"
Mary: "okay mom I'll see you when I do"
Mom: "okay"
I hung up and put my hand in my face. This girl goes through this every year with that sperm donor and I'm always there to pick up the pieces. I looked over at Kentrell and he looked tired asf.
Mary: "are you okay?"
Kentrell: "yeah I just haven't slept in a while"
Mary: "common lets watch our show and see if you can sleep"
Kentrell: "mane you probably been watching that shit without me"
Mary; "ofc not"
We laid on his bed and he put on our show. (Any show that u like) he laid his head on my legs and started drifting off. I played with his hair and was watching the show. My phone started ringing again but this time it was Jordans Mom.

JM: " Hey Mary are you at the house with Jordan he's not answering"
Mary: "no we got into an argument and I left with Kayla a while ago"
JM: "okay I'll go by the house and see if he's there"
Mary; "okay bye"
She hung up and just took a deep breath. I looked at Kentrell who was completely asleep and I didn't want to get up and ruin his sleep. So I sat there playing with his hair and touching his face.
Tbh I really did miss him but I can't go back to him after that shit he did. I decided to put the song on that kd told me about. I played it quietly on my phone and put it up to my ear.

~~~ Play the song "How I Been" by Youngboy
Literally my favorite song 😩😩~~~~~~

Okay so that song was way to good. "Bitch yk I need you" that's gon be in my head for a while. I listened to the song like 3 more times and it just gets better.  Kentrell was waking up so I put my phone down and continued playing with his hair.
Kentrell: "you was listening to the song"
Mary: "mane I thought you was sleep"
Kentrell: "nahh"
Mary: " your music is really sum else. I actually like it, usually I would lie but you're actually good"
Kentrell: "thank you"
He sat up next to me. And put his arm around me. I looked over at him. His eyes were light brown and so cute. We both leaned it but my phone rang and thank god. It was Jordan's mom again.

Mary; "what? What happened? Where are you?"
Mary: "what?"
JM: "I'm calling the police"
She hung up.

Mary: "she thinks I have something to do with Jordan"
Mary: "omg they're going to question me" I low key started freaking out.
Kentrell: "it's okay it's okay. What did u tell her"
Mary: "I told her I left that morning Bc we had got into an argument"
Then I started getting a call again.

Mary: "hello?"
Officer: "hello is this Mary?"
Mary: "yes"
Officer: "we need you to come in tonight for some questioning on Jordan's Murder"
Mary: "okay"
Officer: "can you be here in around 30 minutes?"
Mary: "yess I can"
Officer: "okay see you then"
They hung up.

I got up and was just thinking about what I'm going to say. I was talking to Kentrell and telling him what I'm going to say. I asked Kayla to bring me Bc yk the boys would probably not wanna take considering they did just kill him....

I was sitting in this room across from this guy. I think he's the detective idk I wasn't paying attention.
Detective: "So Mary can you explain what happened this morning"
Mary: "yeah Jordan and I had got into an argument about something stupid and I asked my cousin to pick me up and I haven't been to the house since"
Detective: "and did he hurt you in this argument"
Mary: "yeah something like that"
Detective: "So did Jordan do that to you?"
Mary: "yes he did"
Detective: "do you know anyone who would want to kill Jordan?"
Mary: "I don't know he's a hood nigga who knows who wants to kill him"
Detective: "would you ever hurt Jordan or kill him after what he did to you"
Mary: "no. He would always apologize"
Detective: "okay I think we are done here. And Honey you should have reported Jordan for doing that to you"
Mary: "yeah but I loved him"
Detective: "I'm sorry for your loss"
I nodded and walked out the room.

A/n: YUh Jordan is gone and umm Kentrell and Mary are friends....we love that 🥰 if there are mistakes literally just figure it out✋🏽😭

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