A Dream is Born

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A young Kelsie looked up at the night sky through her bedroom window. Earlier that day her aunt Maddie had shown her a picture of Van Goughs "Starry night."

"The sky doesn't look like that." Kelsie had complained. "The sky is just black."

Aunt Maddie had only chuckled before patiently explaining.

"It's not about what the sky actually looks like. It's about what you see that really matters. This is what Van Gough saw when he looked up at the sky. Then he put it down on paper so the rest of us could see its beauty too."

Kelsie scrunched her nose, "I don't really get how you can see something that's not there though."

Aunt Maddie covered her lips as she disguised her chuckle as a cough. "Well that is where a little magic comes in! It's called your imagination!'

*Insert meme here*

Here, tonight I want you to look up at the sky and draw me a picture of what you see and tonight I'll do the same. Then tomorrow when I come over we can compare and see what we both come up with!"

"Alright," Kelsie was still a little doubtful, she was pretty sure there was only one way the sky looked and anything else would just be what daddy would have called "a crack head picture".

Moving away from the window Kelsie dispelled the memory of earlier that day. Taking out her box of crayons that her aunt had given her and a sheet of paper she set to work.

She started first by going back to the window and staring at it for a while. Yeah the sky was black but it wasn't completely black. There were also bright lights that freckled the sky. Stars.

The street lamp outside made it hard to see much else, so she added that into the picture. I mean Van Gough had buildings in his picture of the sky, why couldn't she add some street lamps.

The more time she spent on this little crayon picture the more she realized that this was actually quite fun!

Daddy had always called aunt Maddie a quack whenever she left the house. Always said art wasn't good for anything except hanging up on walls. Not something you could make a living with, and definitely not something to spend your life pursuing.

But as little Kelsie continued to pour her heart upon that no longer white piece of paper the more she was convinced Daddy was wrong.

This was absolutely something that needed more pursuing. 

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