Chapter 3

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(I am so so so so sorry this is so late there was just so much going on, I am so so sorry)

Aizawa was fast asleep on the bed being spooned by the blonde. Nuzzling gently into him as he kept as close as possible.

Toshinori smiled softly at the black haired male as he gently rubbed his bump. "My sweet love..." he spoke softly as he thought about they started dating.

( into the past, yay)

Toshinori watched Aizawa from close by. "That was a close call don't ya think?" He muttered out his usual playful smile on his face as he looked to him. Aizawa laughed "as if, that felt almost too easy" Aizawa smiled softly before looking to the city around them. "It's beautiful up here" Aizawa muttered softly. "Not as beautiful as you" Toshinori spoke going to him. "Shota...I want to offer you a choice, you can say no of course but..." Toshinori started shyly.

Aizawa looked to him curiously. "What is it?, ya know it's illog-" he muttered before Toshinori interrupted him. "I want to take you away from here, away from the danger...away from people who want to hurt you....I want to keep you safe...I want to love you and make you feel happy!" Toshinori said out loudly. "I want to be with you...and I hope you want to be with me too, I know this seems fast or just out of place of me but...I wanted to tell you before I couldn't..." he spoke softly. "Of course you don't have to accept I mean you probably don't like me that way, shit I screwed up our friendsh-" it was Aizawa's turn to interrupt Toshinori. "Toshi, of course I want to be with you! I've been in love with you sense like forever! I want to make you happy and make you feel loved too!" Aizawa muttered out. "I love you Toshi..." he continued softly.

Toshinori smiled shyly as he looked to him. Blushing lightly. "You do?" He spoke softly as he went closer to him being Aizawa close keeping his hand on his hip.

Aizawa smiled softly "of course I do." He spoke softly before leaning up having to be on his tippy toes as he kissed Toshinori smiling happily as he gently clung to him. Toshinori was in fact shocked that Aizawa was kissing him but quickly began to kiss him back smiling into it.

(Back to present)

Aizawa slowly woke up smiling softly "what has gotten you so happy?" He asked softly as he looked to Toshinori. Nuzzling more into him.

Toshinori smiled softly. "I was thinking about the day we started dating, I can never forget it my love" he spoke softly kissing Aizawa's forehead. "Especially now that we have a baby on the way" he spoke softly.

Aizawa smiled softly. "I can never forget it either Toshi" he smiled softly before looking to his bump. "I wonder if we should ever tell them the story..." he spoke softly. Toshinori smiled softly as he looked to Aizawa. "I think we should, I know they'll enjoy it..." Toshinori muttered out. "I hope they'll find their true love one day too.." Toshinori continued as his smile grew. "I bet they will too" Aizawa spoke as he smiled softly as Toshinori looked to Aizawa's bump the best he could. "They'll be protected and so will their lovers" Toshinroi muttered "I won't let anything bad happen to you or to them..." he continued smiling softly.

Toshinori brought the black haired male closer as he smiled. "Our little Izuku and Hitoshi..." he spoke softly as he kissed Aizawa's cheek.

(The end to this chapter :D and again sorry for the r e a l l y long break, I've had serious writer's block and a lot was going on)

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