Remembrance (WhiteRose/Ruby X Weiss)

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Date Written:7/12/2021

Word Count: 445 Words

Weiss gazed absentmindedly at the door in front of her. She analyzed it, almost as if to stop and take her mind off of the troubling thoughts swarming about her head. It had been so long since she'd last seen her teammates, and she didn't know what to expect after the three long years of being without them. Weiss shivered at the cold, tightly gripping the thick jacket she wore. The snow-white-haired woman sighed, before putting her hand on the door's knob and pulling. She knew the door would open, it was never locked. "Ruby?" Weiss' voice echoed throughout the completely silent house. No reply. She was about to call her girlfriend's name once more, until she began to smell smoke coming from the living room. 'They're definitely here, or at least, Yang is.' Weiss thought, she smiled to herself at that. She prepared herself to see them again, anxiety ate at her mind. She couldn't rid herself of the unexplained fear she felt at that moment, but instead of stopping, she went along, walking down the short hallway towards the living room. She was only a few short strides away from the room until she saw the carpet had slightly singed foot impressions, she knew it was Yang who did that. Alas, Weiss opened the door, only to see Yang alone, her expression full of anger, but also fear and sadness. The blonde clenched her fist so hard her knuckles ran white, her face was streaked with tears. Weiss heard Yang mutter something, so quiet she could barely make out what she said. But she could hear Yang repeating "She's gone." under her breath, over and over again. Her voiced was hoarse, it cracked slightly with emotion. "Yang?" Weiss took a few steps towards her. "Weiss?" Was all Yang could say. "What happened?" "Ruby, she-"

Just then, Weiss woke up. She bolted upwards from her seating. She moved her hand outwards, hoping to feel the familiar warmth of Ruby by her side, but she didn't. But then she suddenly remembered what had happened. Ruby was gone, forever. She felt somber, heartbroken, pained, knowing she'd never see Ruby again. How long had it been? Since then? Five years or so? No matter how long it had been since her death, Weiss knew she'd never forget. She sighed, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't. And she wanted Ruby back, she couldn't take it. And she couldn't take the feeling she felt. She couldn't explain it, not even after the five years of experiencing it. But, instead, she went back to sleep, just to have a moment to leave her unfixable reality.

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