Before you read

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Hey so I've been gone for a really long time and you guys may have noticed that I unpublished this book. I'm sorry, but I've got a really good reason. I've hated these fics for a long time. I was in a bad place when I wrote all the self-harm fics in here and I never wrote them properly.

I always projected onto characters like Edd in the self-harm fics and hoped that I would someday have someone care that I'd repeatedly hurt myself. Of course, never with the spanking part lol. I just mixed that with the theme of this book. If any of what happened to Edd happened to me, I would've just hurt myself more or done worse to myself. So I've re-written most of the self-harm fics in here to be more realistic.

But!!! I'll also have written the spanking fics themselves, just with different scenarios and hopefully better. I may not re-write everything, but all the Eddsworld chapters are definitely being re-written lmao.

So if needed, some fics that I re-wrote will have (Realistic) in front of the chapter and then the regular spanking chapter will be the next one, either tilted in the old style Fandom (#) or with an actual title if I'm feeling especially creative. I'll kinda take requests, just for Eddsworld right now. I'll open up requests to other fandoms soon when I figure out what else I want to write. 

The old chapters will never see the light of day again. Please do not ask, I am repressing them in my memory forever <3


- Eddsworld 

I have blanked on what to write for the actual spanking chapter of the first Eddsworld fic, so requests for that are open. Just please don't do any self-harm requests. 

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