chapter 12

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Geetha's pov :

I ignored the questioning gazes of my friends as I said
"Come let's go back...I am so tired."

I saw Akki was still missing,maybe she is dancing.
"You guys go ...I will wait for Akki otherwise she will whine all the day for abandoning her. I can't bear that." Swapna said
We both nodded...

The walk to the dorms was silent as I was lost in my thoughts and even Sadhvi was silent.
I didn't probed into that because even I am not in a mental state to ask her...

I can still feel his warm hands on my waist...and tingly feelings he gave me. heart is palpitating so much that I am worrying if Sadhvi can hear that.
Thank God that she is lost in her own world.

I didn't realize when I came to the room and laid on my bed...
Soon laughter sounds erupted from the corridor which made be come back to the senses.

I sat up on my bed as I saw Akki and Swapna who were laughing loudly teasing eachother.
I quickly gulped and tried to pretend that I am completely okay when there were thousands of fireworks exploding inside me.

I gave a huge hundred dollar smile when I very much know that I must be looking like a fool now.
But I am okay looking like a fool than sharing these things with my friends.

' me a hypocrite but I would be wanting to know everything if my friends is in my place,but I can't say them. I know they don't judge me but I am not even at a conclusion myself so I can't take any chances.'

"Why are you smiling??" Akki asked me cheerfully.

She is truly happy...may be Ravi sir coming to her life was like carvival to the five year old kid. She is so damn happy everyday...they have their own issues but she never make them a hindrance to their relationship.
They hold their hands and fight against all the odds.

"Nothing much...happy to see you." I said cheekily.

She made a disgusting face as she said
"I don't want you to be happy seeing me should be happy seeing your man. Don't tell me you are not straight.
Should I raise my guards up?? Ohh god I even changed my clothes Infront of you not knowing your sexual preference. I request you to not have any feelings towards see I am taken. My baby won't like it if you see with your for eyes brimming with the love for me. He is a possessive brat I  say."

' Oh my gosh!!! So much of drama for a single sentence. She is such a drama queen.' my subconscious chided.

I snorted before saying
"You are safe with me...and I am straight ,I am saying just to clear away all your and your baby's worries."

"Yo here comes the sassy chick." Akki hooted.

I frowned listening to her...
"You should not use such words sound like a 60 year old bald,beer bellied man coveting innocent girls."
I said.
Swapna burst into laughter hearing this ..I looked at her weirdly.

I know now I had 'Was that a big joke?' face on.
But they being them didn't paid attention to me as they were laughing.

Finally I lost my patience...I saw Sadhvi who was in a deep thinking.
Did she even hear what were talking all the while??
I don't think so???

" you know what happened to Savi???" I said in a hush tone.
They both shook their heads saying they don't know.

Akki being the cheerful girl that she is she shouted
"Savi...come join us."

Savi was startled listening her voice. Poor Savi...
I slapped Akki's arm in protest of what she just did.
She shouldn't have frightened Savi like that.

But Savi being the sweetheart came and sat beside us.

"So what happened???" I asked her.
She was resembling a tomato right now I couldn't help but think umm..I should say it out may be, she may avoid us in her embarrassment for few days.

"Did you guys kissed??? I should have guessed it already when I saw him following you out of the hall. And also sorry for the interuption if I did...but I couldn't stop myself from calling you." Swapna said excitedly.

My eyes widened ...oh my god!!!
Like really my friend just had her first kiss???

Don't judge me guys I am quite interested in listening these things. Naughty mee...

I can see the exciting gleam in all our eyes except Savi who was blushing red.

She nodded her head.
"Ok now don't ask the details..." She said .
We all's not like we want to know more. That's their personal thing.

The thing is that we had a unspoken agreement that we will share the news of sharing our experiences of our first whoever does first. Be it a hiking or kissing.
We share it all...
But if it had been hiking the person shouldn't miss any details out while describing , otherwise we will disturb them endlessly.
And now her first is...whatever we shouldn't talk more about it and make her uncomfortable.

Soon we all were teasing eachother to no limit.
There was no other reason for's was our everyday thing.

Savi asked me the thing I wanted to avoid talking to.
If I had danced with Adarsh...

Ok Adarsh sir...but I think I might have liked calling him Adarsh more than sir. Just my imagination as I already know I may never have guys to call him by his name. He is my senior.

"Umm..yes." I said hesitantly.

Swapna jumped in-between our conversation saying
"How was Rudra sir with he interested in you??? Finally I think the last one in our gang gonna join our couple squad."

I rolled my eyes at her...she is very good at overimagination.

"Nothing like that he just asked for a dance casually...
And the chances of  me in a relationship is same the the chances of seeing your head shaven." I said cockily as I know her love for her hair.
She doesn't have long hair like Savi hers just reached midwaist but she cherishes them madly.

She snorted listening to that.
"Don't say never gonna happen." She quipped.

"You know about my parents...they will kick my ass if I ever say the word love infront of them , so I can't even imagine about being in a relationship. Because it's practically impossible." I said.

She sighed...
She know how strict my parents were regarding my non existent love life.
To be truthful they don't know everything. Just a bits and I kept them dark most of the times.

But atleast I wasn't being bullied by my evil sibling like sadhvi's brother doing. May be I should be thankful of that.
But I also think I would have reached him a lesson if he ever try to bully me.
I may look docile but when they get on my nerves I turn evil...
Like really evil, not stopping until they are at the verge of tears.

I am not just saying it because it happened to me ,in the real life.

When Latha once tried to pick on me I tried to be patient but even Seetha joined her team.

I was already in the bad mood ,when they constantly ate my head instead of their food I thought them a good lesson.
I broke the eggs on their favourite dress  which they were flaunting Infront of me all the times on the day they brought it.

They were so angry that I could imagine the fumes coming out of their ears.
But me being the intelligent one , I blackmailed them with the incident where they went out for a movie when they said they were going for a program in temple.
All are afraid of our grandfather who is very strict.
He is so against females going out.
He was even mad at me wearing jeans and short tops but I was stubborn that he had to give in but not before making my mom leacture me saying not to wear exposing ones.

I have got a hell of a family that I may never get a lovelife which I wish I had.

Have a nice day❤️

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