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The next morning, excitement pushed Kara down the steps on a wave of happiness.

Gabe had kissed her! He no longer saw her as just an assistant. He actually saw her, as a person, as a woman. And he liked her enough to kiss her!

When she reached the kitchen, she flicked on the light, only to find Gabe sitting on one of the tall stools by the center island. His sexily mussed hair reminded her of how he'd looked at the beach the day before. Young. Carefree. Happy. As happy as she felt right now.

Memories of their kiss sent joy shivering through her. One kiss wasn't a happy ending, but it was the start, finally, of something personal between them.

Then she met his silver-blue eyes. Worry flickered through them as he sighed wearily.

"We need to talk."

She headed for the cupboard, ignoring the bucketful of anxiety that landed in her stomach with a plop. For all she knew, the "talk" he wanted to have might be something good. Not bad. Maybe he wanted to find a way to work their new personal relationship into their professional lives?

She threw together a pot of coffee, shoring up her courage with positive thoughts. But when she turned from the cupboard, she saw his eyes again. Something had been added to the worry. Something that appeared to be regret.

Swallowing, she headed for the island. Needing to be able to see his eyes, she walked past the chair beside his and chose the one across from him.

"This thing between us," he said, motioning from her to him and back to her again, "isn't a good idea."

Anger rushed through her. She'd been in love with this man for months and he got to be the one to decide whether or not they'd pursue this? "It seemed to be a very good idea last night."

His gaze meandered over her. He took in the swell of her breasts that peeked above the U of her tank top, the long length of her neck, her mouth and finally caught her gaze.

"I had a really bad marriage."

"That's what most people who are divorced say."

"My wife adored me until she realized what my money could do for her."

She frowned. "She stole from you?"

"No. She changed."

"People are supposed to change. To grow."

"Not like this."

The coffeepot gurgled its final release. Kara slid off her stool, walked over to the counter and grabbed two mugs.

When she brought their coffee to the center island, she caught him staring at her. The angle of his gaze told her he'd been looking at her butt.

As she walked closer, he studied every inch of her, setting off a firestorm of sparks inside her and urging her not to quit, not to give up on him, on them. He was attracted to her. And he wanted this. He'd just hit a stumbling block because of the way his marriage had ended.

"Drink this." She set the mug in front of him.

He shook his head. "Caffeine won't change my mind."

Mom For The CEO's Daughter (A Completed Novella)Where stories live. Discover now