Total StarOcean Island: Episode 14 Part 3

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(They are at Ravi I now but aren't in the restaurant directly. The sky was yellow and they were all levitating because of the gravity.)

Sophia: For a planet that has a lot of pollution; lots of fumes, nuclear wastes and bad gravity it's somewhat beautiful. It'd be too bad if something worse would happen here...

Welch: (Cough cough) Something's wrong with my teleportation powers...

Grum: Welch, are you all right?

Welch: (Feeling sick, scared of the gravity) Nonono... (Nearly falling) It hurts! It hurts! It huuuurts!!! DO SOMETHING ABOUT ALL OF THIS!!! DO S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G!!! URGHHHH!!!!!!

Grum: Stay calm... (Thinking)

[Grum: She should've changed the powerplants. Or rather, she should have gotten new ones. She's too stubborn to stop the gravity here anyway.]

Grum: I have some re-enforcing fiber cables here. You lift me up to you and I will put the fibercables in your connections...

Welch: Nope, because I'm the one giving orders here! You're the most idiotic and incompetent person I've ever freaking had! You're dumb as hell! You're a dunderhead! A patsy too!

Grum: (Eyes glowing) You dare to insult my native intelligence? (Leaping on her)

Welch: Hey! Stop that! You nearly scared me! (Surrendering) No, no, you're right of course. I'm being bad. You do have the same abilities as me, and I'm scared of the fact that I'll eventually lose to you. (COUGH COUGH COUGH)

Faize: Huh? What?

Welch: (Looking at Faize) You've got a problem, Puke-inducer? (Lift Grum up to herself)

Faize: (Grit his teeth)

Grum: (Put the fibercables in her connections)

(By accident and because of the pollution generated, there is a slight weakness in their connections. They were teleported to the middle of a sole, they had no oxygen.)

Welch: Oh no, yucky... (Cannot breathe)

Grum: I will try again. (Speaking to Welch) Well, better hold me tightly.

Welch: (While Grum tries to lift herself up again) Why are we in the middle of a hecking sole...?

Fayt: And why are we still going through that teleportation problem...?

Welch: (Trying to breathe) I don't even know... damn space junk... damn soles... (Cannot hang on)

Grum: (Cough) I have solved the problE-


(They were turned back, felt a sudden jolt and arrived at the restaurant, really confused. It looks almost empty, yet.)

Fayt: What the...?

Welch: (Sigh) Change into waiter clothing, c'mon... I hate it here!


Meracle: ...I can't cook.


Welch: I don't even have to explain anything anymore.

(A group of innocent figures came, they seemed like customers.)




All of them: WE ARE THE TRIPLE CUTIES! (Winks, sparkling eyes, blushing with hearts around and excited poses)

The rest: ...

(VERY awkward silence)

Cassy: Say, guys... did you like our introduction?

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