"stop calling me shortie"

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"So, today I'm gonna see where do you work?" Y/n asked her older brother
"Yes, and there is a girl I work with" Steve said
"Excited to meet her"

Y/n and Steve went to work as they saw robin serving ice cream to some boring customers
"Dingus why the fuck are you late again? Oh hii!! I'm robin! Nice to meet you"
"I am Y/n, Steve's younger sister. Nice to meet you
What are your pronouns?"
"She/they, yours?"
"She/they too. How old are you"
"As old as your brother is"
"I'm 18, actually I'm turning 18 in 1 week"
"Happy early bday I guess I hope I'll see you again"
"See ya"

I went to the back room, sitting with Steve
"Someone fell in love with my best friend"
"I don't think she likes me like that"
"She's a lesbian"
"WHAT? OMG so you're telling me I have chances?"
"Of course you have" *he looked sad
"Hey, Steve what's going on?"
"Oh nothing"
"Robin is coming in 2 minutes, talk with her"
"Thanks, I love you"
*I hugged him as he hugged me back*

After 5 minutes actually robin came into the back room

"Hey shortie" Robin said
" don't you dare call me that again"
"But you're short, how tall are you"
"165cm / 5'5", you?"
"175cm, you're still short"
"Shut up" y/n laughed
"You're- really- really cute" she said as I got butterflies
"Can I ask, what's your sexuality?" Y/n asked
"Lesbian, you?" Robin said
"Bisexual, but I prefer girls" Y/n answered happy
"We can- like hang out, do you know how to skate??"
" I love skating" y/n said as she lighted a cigarette

Robin was staring at y/n so in love

"What? I smoke since like 15" y/n laughed as she gave the cigarette to robin
"I'll give you my address"
She took my hand and wrote
" Maple Street 186, meet me here at 10pm
                 see you then, short gay bitch <3"

I smiled to her and left happier than ever

9:30pm, Steve got back from work

Found me wearing crop top, torn bagged jeans, cheins, tall black socks and black boots and putting on my makeup

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Meeting with robin, at 10pm"

"With whose permission?"

"I'm 18"

"You're not 18 yet, but I'm letting you go"

I hugged him again "thanks big bro"

I took my skate and left

It was 9:55pm, I was outside scoops, sitting against the wall, lighting a cigarette again and waiting for Robin

"Hey shortie" Robin said
"Hey tall bitch" y/n said
"I love that nickname" Robin said
"I love your skate, gay aesthetics" y/n said
"I love yours too, rock bands & bi little flags"
"Let's go skating" y/n said

Robin took my hand and helped me get on my skate, as she got on her. Started skating all around the mall
I tried to do a trick, as I did it, I fell down as robin went closer to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked worried as I lied in her legs
"I am, thank you for asking"
"We should stop skating now and talk, Harrington junior" she laughed
"Hey" I sat down on my skate staring at robin
"Single or taken?" She asked me
"Single, forever" y/n answered
"Me too, no one is gay, everyone is a boring straight"
I laughed so hard with what she said as she got closer to me
"Don't freak out" Robin said
I was about to say something as she cutted me off with kissing me as I kissed back, putting her hands on my neck and pulling me closer
She pulled away
"Seems like you have kissed many people before me, you're such a nice kisser, I have never kissed anyone before" Robin said
"Actually you're the first person I've kissed" y/n said
"So you're a virgin?" Robin asked me
"Yeah, I am" I laughed as we laughed together as she pulled me from my neck to her chest and playing with my hair again"
"You're in love with my hair" y/n joked
"I'm in love with you, I met you today, but I love every single part of your body, your soul, your heart, your style and personality" robin said
I didn't know what to say so I just kissed her again
"Would you- like to sleep in my house, not like what you think, just hug me and sleep" y/n said
"Steve?" She asked
"He won't have a problem"
"Let's go, it's 12:20am"

Y/n and robin went to her house, saw Steve sleeping in the couch and watching some romantic straight tv show.

"Always the same Steve, sleeping in the couch, come on robin let's go" y/n whispered

They went into y/n room

Robin walking around her room.
Rock & metal bands posters
Lgbtq+ flag & bi flag
Little frogs, butterflies & mushrooms
And a box with necklaces, bracelets and rings
And the thing Robin found super cute was the pictures where Steve and y/n holding bi flags, and two others
Where Steve & y/n were hugging each other
And where they were eating pop corn and playing video games in atari

"Your room is amazing, I love these pics" Robin said
"Yeah this is the one when Steve came out to me after I came out to him" y/n said
"Holy shit- Steve is bisexual?"
"Yeah, didn't you know? You're his best friend"
"No I didn't, it got late, we should lie down" robin offered as she lied down, I took off my chains, boots and socks as I took off robins shoes too.
I lied down too staring at Robin, as she was staring at me too. God I'm so in love with her and her stupid laugh. She hugged me as I fell asleep, she fell asleep too.

It was 7am. I woke up, realizing Robin hugging me tight and I pulled her hair away from her face seeing her sleeping peacefully as I pulled away from the hug, she turned around and hugged a pillow thinking it was me
Steve got inside the room, without knocking
"Steve, what have I said about fuckin doors?"
"Sorry, um- robin?"
"Shhh she's sleeping"
"Shit, sorry again, I'm making breakfast- for 3 people"

Robin woke up

"Morning shortie" said in her sleepy voice
"Morning rob, come on Steve is making breakfast"

I got up and my shirt was awful
"God. My shirt is a mess, it's awful"
Robin came behind me and hugged me
"You're beautiful, babe, do you want to take my hoodie?"
"If you want"
She took off her hoodie, wearing a crop top
"Sorry my boobs are big and I look weird in crop tops I just wear them in case the hoodie or shirt I wear gets full of water or alcohol"
"You're so beautiful in crop tops, wear them more usual"
I took her hoodie on  and she almost died
"You're so mf cute" Robin said
She went closer to me and pulled me into a kiss from my neck. And again I felt these butterflies again

Steve catch us kissing
"Um- when you finish kissing, just letting you know that in the table is real food and yeah if you want. Come and don't eat each other. Yet."

I pulled away and we laughed

Later that day we went to arcade and started playing video games. At 5am she took me to a beautiful place. She sat down in the grass
"Come on, come closer, I want to kiss you" Robin said
I sat down as I pulled her closer and kissed her.
She pulled away
"I love you" she said
"I love you too" y/n said

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