Chapter 1

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     The ball went flying to the other side of the court. Hinata jumped up and smacked Kageyama on his back.

     "Nice serve, nice serve!"

     "Boke Hinata boke!" Kageyama shouted and flung his hand around to hit the orange haired boy.

     "Did the Great King teach you to serve too?" Hinata asked, or rather screamed.

     Hearing that title, Kageyama made a face. The Great King... Oikawa. He didn't want to remember that person, at all.

     "No" he answered and signalled his teammate to hand him another ball.

     Hinata was expecting more of an answer and contemplated pestering him for more but left the idea alone for later. His head still hurt from when Kageyama grabbed him and dragged him inside the court after school.

     The others were starting to leave, the only people that remained except those two were Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka and Ennoshita. They had a good practice session but everyone knew Kageyama and Hinata were the only ones with enough energy to continue even after a full blown session.

     "Kageyama!" Sugawara called out to him as the four of them were about to leave. "Can I leave the keys with you?"

     Tobio stopped as he was about to toss the ball and turned towards him. "Yes, I will lock up." With that, he immediately turned his attention towards the ball.

     Suga sighed and put down the keys on the bench, taking one last look at the duo before heading out. Hinata was on the other side of the net now, practicing his receives.

     Fifteen minutes later, both of them were out of breath, lying on the floor. Kageyama raised his hand up and looked at his palm. It was red from all the serves he had done. But... It still wasn't good enough. He needed to practice his sets too. He needed to do better. He needed to be the best asset to his team. Hinata turned his head towards Tobio from the other side of the room.


     "What boke?"

     "You're still after your serves? Shouldn't you be practicing your sets with me now?"

     "I'll do my sets later. I need to focus on my serves for now. I'll get good at it soon. Also you need more practice at receiving. You suck at everything other than spiking the ball so don't complain."

     "Nani?! I've gotten much better, admit it Bakageyama."

     Tobio got up and pointed at Hinata as the latter followed suit. "You are just a bouncy decoy with zero technique and receiving skills, you can't even make proper serves for an entire set without messing one of them up."

     Hinata took a moment to register what he had said with a blank look on his face. Then as the bulb lit up on his mind, he grinded his teeth in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something but Kageyama interrupted him.

     "However, I won't deny that you've gotten much better. You're far from the bouncy energetic clueless idiot that you were when we had our first practice match against Seijoh. It's just... Not enough yet. That's all."

     "Oh? What's this? Kageyama complimenting me? That's rare. Wait, did you get a concussion from when I threw the ball at your head accidentally?"

     "Oh right, I forgot about that, you bastard! Come here!" Kageyama picked up the ball closest to him and made his way to the other side of the court.

     Hinata slowly backed up, ready to scram. "Oi Kageyama, let's talk about this. Suga-san always says violence is never the answer you know KageyaAAAA-"

     "Stand still boke!" Kageyama chased him around the room for a while before finally giving up. "Ugh forget about it. Let's go, we've been here long enough, I'll lock up."

     On their way back, Hinata decided to bring up the subject again. "Oi Kageyama, if you're so worried about your serves, why don't you just get the Great King to teach you? I mean, he was your upperclassman, wasn't he? You said that he helped you with your sets too, remember?"

     Kageyama stopped in his tracks suddenly, making Hinata bump into his back. The latter let out a yelp and rubbed his nose. "Hey! Why'd you stop all of a sudden?"

     Tobio turned around with an irritated face. "Will you stop bringing that up? There's no way I'm asking for his help ever again. I'll do it on my own." He threw his empty milk carton at Hinata who spiked it into the trash can on the side.

     "Huh, so you're being like that again. I'll do everything on my own because I'm the King of the Court!" Hinata pressed down his hair and mimicked Kageyama who swiftly swung his arm to punch him but missed.

     "Cut it out, you shrimp!" He turned around and started walking. There was no way he would ever look up to that person ever again. He hated Oikawa. He just needed to prove that any challenge that person would ever put up, he would cross it.


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