Chapter 16

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     "How's your leg?"

     "It's almost fully healed. I think I can go to the camp soon." Kageyama took a sip of tea.

     "Are you cold?"

     "Īe, I'm alright."

     Kageyama turned to look towards Oikawa. He stared at his senpai for a while before the latter noticed. Oikawa smiled, scratching his head.

     "Something wrong?"

     "You haven't teased me since morning, you're being too nice." Kageyama looked down at the ground and kicked the snow gathering in front of him.

     "Ah! I didn't want to make you cry again. Jeez, I felt like a cruel villain or something. I don't want to make you cry again."

     "I didn't cry."

     "You did though."

     Kageyama leaned to his left and shoved Oikawa softly. "Did not."

     Tooru shoved him back. "Did too."

     They continued the argument for a while until Kageyama felt his senpai stop moving when he bumped into him. They sat body to body on the porch stairs, looking up at the night sky. The clear view was clouded with graceful white ice crystals floating down, cushioning themselves softly against the earth. In the pale streetlight, they glowed like tiny luminous ghosts.



     "Can you teach me to do the serve toss now?"

     Oikawa turned towards him and blinked. "It's snowing though."

     Kageyama looked down at his feet and tightened his grip on his cup. "I...might go to the camp tomorrow." He paused. "Since you're not going, I thought..."

     Oikawa didn't answer. He turned back to looking at the sky. Kageyama waited patiently, settling into the warmth of his senpai's hand against his.


     Kageyama put down the empty cup and turned to face Tooru. "Will you? Now?"

     "Get the ball from-"

     "Hai!" Kageyama shouted excitedly then paused, nervous when he saw Oikawa looking surprised. "Gomen" he mumbled, embarrassed.

     Oikawa let out a small laugh. "Daijobu."

     Kageyama nodded, opening the door. "Be right back."

     Tobio hurried upstairs into Tooru's room and picked up the ball. He was about to switch off the lights and leave when a noise made him turn back around.


     Kageyama approached the bed slowly and picked up a pillow. It was his phone. He quickly snapped it open, hoping it was from one of his teammates. Tobio looked at the message in disappointment. A spam. He had just removed it when something caught his eye. He stared at the screen. The last message on Hinata's chat was from Kageyama's side. His finger hovered over the chat box for a while, then clicked it.


     Oikawa picked up the cups and stood up. He had been sitting on the stairs alone for about three minutes after Kageyama went in. Worried, he hurried inside and putting the cups in the kitchen sink, jogged upstairs. From the end of the hallway, he noticed the door to his room slightly ajar. Sighing, he strutted down to his room and swung the door open.

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