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Harry ended up having a double sleepover at Louis', and when Louis finally dropped him off Sunday evening after supper the boy didn't want to leave.

He waved as Louis drove off and slowly walked up the steps to his house.

The curly-haired boy knocked on the door, fiddling with his thumbs when Liam opened it.

Harry looked up, his lips slightly parted. He didn't know what to say to him.


"I'm so sorry Harry," Liam cut the boy off, pulling him into his arms and hugging his younger brother. "I... I shouldn't have left you there crying but I didn't know that you didn't know and I, I'm just so sorry." A tear fell from Liam's left eye and a sad smile tugged at Harry's lips as he shook his head and hugged him back.

"It's okay, it's really okay Liam."

"No, it's not and I shouldn't have done that. I'm supposed to be your brother and be there for you and what I did was so messed up Harry-" Harry felt Liam's lips start to tremble, and Liam rarely ever cried.

"Shh," Harry shushed him. "Don't cry, c'mon you're still a good brother even though you're an ass sometimes. And it's okay Liam it's really okay, you know that you aren't going to do that again which is enough for me. Just don't cry okay, you're going to make me start crying." Harry patted Liam's shoulder as the older boy nodded.

Once they both let go from the embrace, Liam messed up Harry's hair, "So... you really love him huh?"

Harry bit his lip, glancing down before looking into Liam's eyes again. "I do."

Liam smirked, "You're crazy... but he is too so I guess it evens out. Also you know during the game, you might think that Louis didn't notice you on the bleachers. But he did, and during half time he broke down right in the locker room and told me he didn't know if he could finish the game. But I convinced him to because you know Louis' captain and our best player. I was surprised when he admitted that he's had a crush on you for the past few months, Louis' my best friend and I couldn't even tell. But you-" Liam cut himself off with a chuckle. "I'm surprised Louis didn't figure out you did right away, it was so obvious."

Harry rolled his eyes fondly, "It wasn't that obvious-"

"Wasn't that obvious- Harry are you hearing yourself right now?" Liam burst out laughing while Harry stood there glaring at him.

"Sorry, sorry. It was pretty obvious though. So are you and Louis like... together?"

Harry balanced on one leg, nodding.

Liam nodded, "That's good. Hey listen I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back in a while. Do you know if mom's going to be home tonight?"

Harry pulled out his phone to check the time, "She said she'll be home around 8:00 which is right now so yeah."

"Okay, tell her I ate already so she doesn't worry about me leaving on an empty stomach. I'll catch you later," Liam waved him off and then he was gone, Harry closed the door behind him.

He sighed deeply, walking up to his bedroom, he was just about to close the door behind him when he heard the front door unlock.

A smile fell onto his pink lips as he skipped down the stairs to find his mum standing in the doorway, "So are you going to tell me everything that happened or what?" She asked with her arms folded, a slight smirk on her lips. Harry had the best relationship with his mum, and they told each other everything so she was kind of like his best friend. Aside from Niall, kind of. And Kyle. 

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