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As soon as the girls disappear, I rub my head. "God that was close" I sigh. I turn around and see Jimin with his arms folded. "What?" I ask. "You really can't control yourself can you?" He asked sternly and I raise a brow. "I'm sorry?" He rolls his eyes. "Firstly you shout at me in my head which took me by surprise and she got suspicious. Secondly, you act like that to her, furthermore, you literally turn in front of her." My eyes widen and he nods. "Don't think I didn't sense it, man, the fact you had to turn away from her I knew what happened." He walks up and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You need to keep calm around her. I know that Jungho guy makes your blood boil but remember who you are...what you are". He rubs my shoulder slightly and I nod. "You're right, I need to control myself. It's just so hard, I'm used to being able to just turn willingly. But since we're around humans a lot, It's like I'm not used to this form. It's strange being like this almost all the time now.". He nods understandingly. "I get it but you have a job to do, and well so far I think it's going to plan". He smirks slightly and I tilt my head. "Oh come on Yoongi, I can practically smell the lust coming from the both of you". We both laugh and I shove him slightly. "So when are you going to...you know make a move on her?" He asks and I scuff my foot on the floor. "Not yet, she seems quite shy around men so I don't want to scare her" Jimin laughs and I look up at him confused. "What's so funny?" "Oh nothing, I just have one question" He states and I nod for him to continue. 

"Are you sure this is just a game now?" I scoff at his question. "What the heck are you suggesting? Do you know who you're talking to? I don't get feelings, I don't get feelings for anyone". He nods but I feel he doesn't believe me. I gotta admit she is attractive, her emerald eyes you could get lost in them, It's like they have a small sparkle in them. I sigh as I daydream and Jimin laughs again. "I knew it!" I shake my head. "What huh?" I ask and he nudges me. "You were thinking about her weren't you?" I roll my eyes. "Get out of my head Jimin" We both walk back into the house.

I stare at my computer slightly tapping my pen on the desk. I've done plenty of sketches for work but none of them feels enough. Creating a design around skulls should be easy for me considering where I am but why does this feel newfangled. I stare up at the ceiling and suddenly she comes to mind, Her long soft looking hair, her blushed cheeks, those eyes. My eyes suddenly widen as my mind is filled with imagination, suddenly I am scribbling on paper a beautiful piece. 

I don't even hear Jimin come into room since I'm so concentrated on the paper. "Sir.....Sir!" He suddenly stops when he looks at the paper in front of me. I put the pencil down and crack my wrist. "It's beautiful" He states and I smile slightly. "It is, it's perfect". A skull illustrated with sunflowers and emerald crystals buried in the cracks of bone. Though hollow dark eyes, the green pieces give a slight glimmer in the eyes. I look up at Jimin and see him smirking at me. "What?" I ask. He tuts and shakes his head. "Thee Min Yoongi, prince of hell...has feelings for a human." I turn the paper over quickly and spin round in my chair. "What makes you say that!" "Oh come on it's written all over your face. Plus that design, the emeralds for her eye colour and the sunflowers? Dude" I bite my lip slightly and sigh. "I know but this wasn't meant to happen this can't happen!" I stand up and walk to the window as he follows. "Well why not?" He asks. "Are you kidding?" I laugh. "Look at me Jimin, not this human form but what's underneath. I was born to be this evil conniving prince who makes people suffer...how is this even possible." 

He puts his arm around me. "Sir I believe that she would accept who you are, I mean I have been with you for so long and not once have you wanted to follow your fathers orders. I think if you weren't born into this, you'd be a normal human." I sigh. "Why couldn't that of happened." Jimin looks out at the sunset. "That's why you need to let whatever happens...happen. If you have feelings for each other and want to be together just do it. Even if your father was to find out, what exactly can he do?". I look at him then look out the window. "Well the worst he could do is kill her". "Orrrr he could accept her that you want to be with her and you know....you...what's that thing you do when a royal finds the one they want to be with?". I look at him confused then laugh. "Ah that soul bond shit or something, But I don't know if that would work with a human". "Well humans have souls so why wouldn't it?" He asks and I laugh. "I guess there's only one way for you to find out" He states and I turn to him. "C-come on man I think you're taking this way too seriously, I mean I know nothing about girls...especially humans. She might not be the one". I walk back to my chair. "And I'll say it again, There's only one way to find out" He winks and leaves me to my thoughts.

He might be right, but where do I even start. 

Dancing With The Devil: Min Yoongi: INACTIVEWhere stories live. Discover now