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"Damnit, Bellamy! What the hell are you doing back there?!" Clarke is lying on Bellamy's sad excuse for a mattress, face down. Bellamy, the moron, straddles her sides tightly, keeping her in place.

"Just hold still, princess." She doesn't need to turn over to see the smile on his face. She can hear it."Now don't you wish you would've had some of that moonshine?" Clarke grumbles something unintelligible back and this time Bellamy laughs, loudly. She groans and pushes her head into her arms as he pulls the needle through her skin once more.

"Why are you taking so long?"

"Don't be such a baby," he replies shortly. "If you wanted someone to coddle you, you should've asked Spacewalker."

She goes silent at that and he immediately regrets bringing up Finn. He sighs loudly, mentally reprimanding himself. It's been over a year, but Clarke still can barely look at Finn, let alone as him to stitch her back up.

"Lucky for you," he says, desperate to change the subject. "My mother was a seamstress. I did a lot of sewing in my day. You'll barely have a scar."

"Great. Are you done torturing me?" She tries to turn to look at him but he squeezes his thighs tightly and clasps his hands around her ribcage.

"Stay still."

He finally threads the needle through the skin one last time and neatly ties it off. Helping his mom all those years had truly paid off. For a brief moment he stays put and stares at her in awe. When the ship first landed here she was terrified. Hell they all were. She'd seemed so young and naïve to him then. Now, as he looks at her he sees a strong, courageous young woman. She's grown so much in the years since they came here.

She kicks her feet lightly, bringing him back to the present. Bringing him back to her.

"I hope you're having only the cleanest of thoughts as you sit on me, Bellamy Blake. Don't make me tell my mother." He smiles slightly and pokes her in the ribs, careful of her newest battle wound.

"Tell your mom what?" Finn had caught them both off guard and Bellamy quickly stands.

"How incredibly clumsy Clarke is." At his words Finn's eyes travel to the blood on Clarke's shoulder, on Bellamy's hands. Concern lights in his eyes and he starts to move forward before stopping, remembering himself. "Someone was climbing an apple tree, slipped and as she fell managed to slice her shoulder open. With her own knife." The silence stretches on, making Bellamy extremely uncomfortable. He smacks his hands, Clarke's blood drying quickly, against his knees. "Well, this has been extremely fun. But since it actually hasn't been, and I hate awkward situations, I'll see you guys around."

"No," Finn says. "This is your tent. I just came in to say it's been quiet for days. Maybe Mount Weather is done with us. I'll give you two some privacy."

"It's not like-" Bellamy starts, but Finn is already gone. Clarke didn't utter a sound the entire time Finn was in the tent. Looking at her now, Bellamy can see the dark storm raging behind her usually soft blue eyes. She stands slowly, stiffly pulls her shirt back over her head.

"I should go. Thanks for stitching me up, Bellamy." His eyebrows go together but he doesn't try to stop her when she walks back out his 'door'.

"Clarke!" Raven's voice rings loud from across the camp. "Clarke! Look what Finn and Murphy caught!" She points to the fire the rest of the group was building. Over the top of it was a skinned beast. Clarke couldn't even tell what it was. Who cares? Its meat and Clarke is suddenly starving.

Clarke doesn't even remember when she started going into Bellamy's tent at night. But here she was walking past the dying fire towards his place. They'd been taking comfort in each other for a while now. Not sex. Never sex. Just... company.

She tries her best to steer clear of Finn at all costs, but every once in a while she can't avoid it. Clarke is under no delusions that she can cut Finn out of her life completely, they live in the same camp after all. She could go stay with her mom and the rest of the adults in their camp but...then she's be leaving her other friends. Leaving Bellamy.

And he's the only thing keeping the nightmares at bay. A few months ago she'd been taken back by Mount Weather when she was out on a solo patrol. They'd strung her up and moved her blood into their people, forcing their blood into her. Bellamy had saved her. There was a whole rescue group but he's the one that ultimately found her. When she climbs under his blankets and into his open arms, she is thinking of her rescue.

Dr. Tsing had just unhooked her from the Pump and she hit the floor unceremoniously. A couple of large men picked her up and shoved her back into her cage. She wasn't sure why there were so many guards, she was exhausted and all of the fight in her was long gone.

A small part of her subconscious recognized this as a dream, but that didn't stop the terror from clutching her heart and pumping through her blood stream, consuming her.

She'd been in this cage for weeks. She was starving, and tired, so tired when her friends got to her. She heard the struggle, voices that had seemed so familiar. Then he was there. Bellamy. He was saying something but she was too dazed to recognize his words. Instead she lay back down on the hard grates of her cage; sure this was some kind of hallucination. She just wanted it to be quiet. After all, this had happened so many times. But this time, Bellamy actually reached through the door and grabbed her. She was lifted through the air and turns to see her savior. Instead of Bellamy's reassuring face she finds herself in the arms of a Reaper. Bellamy's face has twisted and contorted into a monster. She opens her mouth to scream but no sound escapes her. The Reaper is pulling her closer. Close enough to clamp his teeth down on her. She jolts awake a hoarse scream slipping through her lips. When Bellamy shoots up beside her, she pulls her arm back and swings. Slugging him right across the jaw.

Caught off guard, Bellamy's head snaps to the side, throwing him off balance. He catches himself on his left elbow and turns back to Clarke, her eyes wild with fear. Quickly, hoping to avoid anymore fists, Bellamy wraps his hands around Clarke's biceps tightly, holding her in place.

"Clarke!" She tries to wiggle free from his grasp, trapped in her nightmare. "Clarke! It's me! You're safe!" Her eyes lock on his and after a brief moment recognition breaks through, filling her eyes with tears.

Bellamy... you're face. I'm so sorry." She reaches up and touches the red spot growing on his right cheek.

"My face," he says gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Is fine." With that he pulls her against his chest, wrapping her in his arms and tangling his hand in her hair. They stay like that only briefly before he lies back, bringing her down with him.

"It's okay, Clarke. Really. You're safe with me," he reassures her, tucking her tightly underneath his chin. "Try to get some sleep."

She glances up at him, eyes still misty, for a brief moment. Long enough for him to brush his lips against her forehead. Long enough to send chills down her spine.

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