Getting to Know You

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Toni waited after practice for her mom to come get her.  She was late as usual and most days Toni ended up walking or running home.

She waited a few more minutes and then let out a frustrated sigh as she began to walk home. She made it two steps before she heard a horn honk behind her.

"Hey, what are you doing walking home? It's almost dark out!" Kenny asked concerned

Toni got in the car letting out another sigh. "My mom was supposed to come get me but I guess she forgot....again." She said rolling her eyes.

"Wait I thought that car in the garage was yours." Kenny said

"It is but I can't drive it until after my birthday, and that's not until October."

"Well how about this, until then, anytime you need a ride, just call me. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be walking such a long way home in the dark anyway."

Toni couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face. "Well thanks Ken."


"Yea Kenny and Kenneth is too long to say." She laughed which made Kenny laugh as well.

He couldn't understand why her mother's exes never cared to get to know her. She was such a kind spirit and her laugh was infectious. Not to mention she was beautiful.

"When did you say your birthday was again?"

"October 7th."

"A libra huh?" Kenny smirked

"Is that a bad thing?" Toni half smiled

"Nope. I'm an Aries, that means me and you are gonna be the best of friends." Kenny nudged her playfully.

Toni laughed and nudged him back. They talked and cracked jokes, and before they knew it, they were home.

"Hi my babies!" Toni's mom, Elizabeth smiled at them.

"Hi beautiful." Kenny walked up to her kissing her cheek.

Toni just stared.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Elizabeth asked confused

"Mom you left me stranded at school. If it weren't for Kenny, I would still be walking home right now!"

"Oh my gosh, Toni, I'm so sorry. It must have slipped my mind. I've been so busy at work that I haven't been remembering things."

"It's fine. I'm gonna go take a shower, I'm sweaty from cheer practice." Toni didn't want to hear her mother's excuses.

She made her way to her room and into her bathroom to shower before dinner.

Downstairs in the kitchen Kenny and Liz were busy making out.

"Honey, I want to thank you for picking up Toni from practice tonight. I've been dropping the ball lately and I know I'm disappointing her."

"Come on Liz. You're a single mother doing the best you can. She's a great kid with an amazing spirit so you must have done something right."

"I know but sometimes she just gets so angry with me. Sometimes I look into her eyes and all I see is hate. I don't know what I did for her to hate me so much." Liz cried

"She doesn't hate you. She's just a kid going through phases. I'm sure she loves you as much as you love her." Kenny kissed her forehead.

"You always know what to say. And I see you are already getting the hang of this dad thing. I've never seen her open up to any man I've brought home like she has to you."

"Maybe all she needed was for someone to care enough to get to know her as a person. She's really a great kid."

Toni listened to the convo from the top of the stairs as she smiled at what Kenny said about her. She also thought about what her mother said.

She figured she should try and make an effort to have a better relationship. Toni walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Elizabeth turned around and Toni gave her a big hug. "What's this for?" Liz said taken aback.

"Just because." Toni said

Liz's face softened as she hugged her back. She looked up at Ken who gave her a thumbs up while he smiled at the exchange.

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