Chapter 2

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It was four in the morning, the sun is simply just trying to get up from its slumber. Jasper is all ready clothed and prepared for their travels to the Kingdom of Eurus.

"Here, this is all the food and money for your safe travels." Madame Gisah handed the bags to Jasper. They exhaled loudly hoping their mother would change her mind about this trip. "What about the children? Won't they know after they wake up?" Jasper questioned. "I'll take care of them, now you, must take care of you. Just because I know you will be alright out there, doesn't mean you won't face challenges." Madame Gisah explained to give Jasper a sense of reality.

Jasper looked down and then looked up, looking at their mother holding a smile gave them a sense of relief. "Now now, Jasper, always stay true and do good." Madame Gisah continued. Jasper nodded and walked towards the door, opening it with a tight grip on the handle. They stopped for a moment and looked back, "I will make you proud.. whatever I will do, I will stay true. For you, mother." They said before looking forward and calmly leaving the home they've always known.

Jasper closed the door behind them, soon a gust of wind decided to push their hat off just right after they closed the door. Jasper had questions, but deemed it as nothing. "Well, that was strange.. didn't hear any wind before I left.." They mumbled to themselves. Soon they snapped out of it and walked towards the stables, a young steed with a shade of light brown rests within its quarters, as morning came, it heard footsteps and an alluring familiar smell towards its way. The young steed woke up and quickly its eyes filled with joy as its rider came back. The steed neighed and exhaled, wondering where are they heading off to.

"Are you ready, River? It's a long journey ahead of us." Jasper said, slowly taking the brush from the hook it was hanging on and brushing their horse with a gentle motion. After Jasper finished brushing, they placed the brush back to its place and proceeded to place the saddle and harness on the steed, preparing for a long journey ahead of them. It was four in the morning when Jasper left their home, after an hour of brushing the horse, it is now six in the morning. The sun is already fully up in the sky, shining brightly towards the grassy fields of Guwen. A place known for its hardworking farmers and green pastures. In the middle of this village is a huge yet run down mansion that is what used to be a magnificent and beautiful home for an unknown wealthy man that bought that huge plot of land to build a mansion for him and his family. That was a thousand years ago, now it is still beautiful yet beginning to fall apart, you could tell from the green vines and moss that covers the stone walls of this home, it is a place filled with so much history and nostalgic memories. Memories that Madame Gisah always knew, for she is the descendant of the vanished hero that once fought for this land.

Along the way, you watch a young adult riding a horse carrying a two packet-saddle on the steed's back as they ride along the road. The journey for the Kingdom of Eurus from Guwen will take a week to travel by horse, hopefully the prayers from Madame Gisah are answered. That no danger will come to harm her beloved child.

Soon the night fell, the young traveler hoped to stop by to a nearby tavern, the steed neighed to let Jasper know that she is hungry and needs rest soon. Jasper patted the steed, "hey, I know. We've been riding for a long time, as soon as we see a tavern or some kind of shack nearby, we'll get rest." They explained. Worried ever since night fell upon them, usually when one is alone during the night, the monsters may come out of its dark resting place and attack them before sunrise. Thankfully, a hooded man is watching them carefully nearby. Hope is not lost yet, for the traveler and the steed.

Eventually, they found a nearby tavern, you could hear the voices and chatters of the living from there. Jasper stopped River from walking anymore, "we can stop here" they said before jumping down. "You can rest, I'll be back" they said while giving river a gentle pat. Jasper gathered their money from the bag and took out four silver coins. Then they proceeded to walk towards the tavern filled with noise from maybe living beings from across the lands of Thevon. Jasper opened the door of the tavern, soon they were met with livings from all over, there were elves, dwarves, humans, hybrids, winged livings, all drinking and chattering out and about with their lives. Jasper was surely overwhelmed by the overall energy that they are facing right now, "Hey kid" a stern voice could be heard from their right, they looked and noticed the bartender. "I may be as blind as a seer, but I know a kid when I see one. What are you doing here and where are your parents?" The human asked while polishing a stainless beer cup with a small cloth. Jasper gulped and stuttered "I-i.. I was sent to Guwen.. uh n-not Guwen, I meant Eurus for destiny—? I'm not sure, my mother has sent me away to fulfill my desired fate that has somehow prophesied thousands of years ago.. if that makes sense" Jasper looked away in embarrassment.

"Hmm.. well, I've heard worse, kid. This tavern attracts the crazy after all. Don't worry much about it. Say, what do you want for a drink?" The human said. "Uhm, anything pleasant that is? Never really tried alcohol before—"

The hooded man that was following Jasper and their steed close by, soon stopped in his tracks and found the steed resting near the fence. "I see.. so this is where they stopped.." The man dropped his hood before entering the tavern himself.

Jasper silently drinking from their table alone, felt overwhelmed by the whole energy that this tavern placed, although they are used to the constant chatter and screams of livings, this is the first time that they were truly alone without company of any familiar faces. The man entered the cavern and made the door creaked noise as he opened it which brought silence to everyone and they all looked at the man. The man isn't just anyone of the livings, he has good stature, a pale face with light colored eyes and blonde hair. His looks were very much indeed beautiful and if you ask any woman from his father's kingdom, they'd say he is an angel dropped from the heavens, one of the men from his father's knight members even said that he can pass of looking like a woman due to how beautiful he is. His name is Arthur, the knightly prince of the Pendragons. He walked towards the bartender as every eye is on him, he asked "there was a traveler that came in here, do you know where they went?" As he spoke, he looked sternly at the human, his voice was gentle yet deep. Surely every woman in that tavern fell in love with him even more. The human pointed at Jasper sitting anxiously at the back as to why they are being pointed at. Jasper gulped as they locked eyes with the Arthur. Arthur looking at them with a serious look, he walked towards them and asked, "Are you the child of Gisah Choillane?"

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