Welcome to New Orleans!

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We've been driving for hours at this point. Hope is sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window and Josie is sleeping in the back seat. I'm driving because over the ride we have swapped driving so each other can sleep. Hope wakes up and looks around.

"How close are we?" I say motioning for Hope to check the phone.

"A two more hours." She says before leaning back into her seat. "You wanna sleep?"

I nod my head and slow down coming to a stop. Hope unbuckles her seat and I unbuckle mine. We switch seats and start driving again.

"Thank you." Hope says glancing over at me. "You don't have to let us borrow your car."

I chuckle. "I want to know what's wrong with me too."

Hope grins. The phone dings. Me and Hope look at each other. I grab the phone and see that my mom texted me.

"It's my mom," I say opening the message. I sigh.

"What did she say?" Hope asks.

"She wants to know where I am," I say putting the phone down. "I can't tell her. I need to figure this out myself."

I lean back. "Wake me up if you need a break?" I say turning to Hope.

Hope nods. I lean back and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up with the sun beaming on my face. I check the phone.

"Twenty-minutes to go," I say turning to Hope.

She nods. "Should we wake up Josie?"

I look back at her. "Josie!" I say reaching my arm back tapping the seat. "JOSIE!" I say loudly causing her to wake up.

Josie sits up looking around. "Are we there?"

"Almost." Hope says with a happy pitch in her voice. "Now we have a family reunion." She says looking around.

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