Chapter Two

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Her grayish, hazelnut eyes locked themselves with the crystal blue eyes of a man who appeared to be in his late thirties, probably forty. He had long brown hair, semi-tied back, and a beard, his whole attire hidden under a long, dark brown robe.

It didn't seem like either of them was going to back down, and though Ashlyn was really not in the mood to be fighting again, she ignored the pain coursing through her body and did whatever it took to protect herself.

Ashlyn took a step back then swung a death blow with her laser daggers that were barely blocked by the stranger. The two fighters were soon bashing each other with incredible blows. They moved in a perpetual cloud of dust, smashing everything around them.

This was a fierce fight.

The stranger visibly struggled a bit, but thanks to his skills managed to cut the teenage girl in a few recently stitched cuts, reopening them even wider, leaving it burnt.

Ashlyn could feel her body quickly weakening, and that enraged her. Never had she lost a fight when she had been in one, and never had she shown any weakness in front of a stranger.

Their sword battle did not stop, leaping over one another in an incredible display of acrobatics.

The man noticed the gender of the Outlander, for the first time as her hair tie broke, her raven black hair falling down to her mid-back. She was female, most noticeably, a young woman. A very young one at that, probably in her mid-adolescent years. He also noticed that she was already quite worn out, and that surely wasn't his work since he had only been using his weapon; not once had he punched or kicked her. He started slowing his movements when he noticed her weakening. He completely stopped when he saw she was about to faint. She took that as an opportunity to strike, though her attempt was to no avail as she collapsed right into his now outstretched arms.

She squirmed weakly, trying to get out of his grasp. "No... let me go. Just... let me die," she mumbled stubbornly, making him roll his eyes.

"You are not going to die."

She frowned, closing her eyes as he placed her onto the ground. "I should be dead anyway..." she muttered to herself, though it wasn't as low as she thought since he heard.

He frowned as he watched the girl retract her light pink laser blades into their hilts.

"Ugh... why pink?" she mumbled as she stumbled onto her feet and struggled to make her way over to her bag that was about twelve feet away, groaning.

He carefully watched her every move with raised eyebrows in surprise as he noted that even severely injured, she walked quite gracefully. He also noticed that her attire was really... something else; he doubted anybody who lived on this planet dressed like her. He stood up straighter and slowly followed behind her cautiously.

"Were you really trying to kill me?" he suddenly asked, making her jump in surprise. She had forgotten he was there.

She winced as she bent down and snatched her bag from the ground. "I'm sixteen years old. I may be an American who knows pretty darn well how to fight—"

He gave her a puzzled look. "American?"

She continued, not hearing his interference. "— but I would never kill. If I had killed before, trust me I would've been in jail."


This time she heard him and gave him a weird look. "Yeah, jail. You know... prison? Anyway, killing is not in my new agenda of this strange world full of ugly creatures, men who dress weirdly and laser swords. I was trying to knock you out..." she trailed off, struggling to take a step forward, though her legs were shaking. "... and... run away, but I guess the running part isn't happening since you pretty much beat me more than I already was."

Within the Force (Star Wars fan fic) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now