Romance Until The End

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The next day I woke up, my wounds were still hurting... but it was manageable enough that I can walk around and see how my friend octavia was doing. I woke up with bandages on my wounds, I looked out the large stained-glass window, I noticed that there were too many birds outside, but it didn't matter. Suddenly I heard a bit of shuffling behind me, I quickly turn around to find Octavia there, sleeping, she didn't even leave the bedside, so I decided to get dressed and let her sleep, besides it was probably time for me to leave anyway. I wrote a note on a small piece of paper and left it on the nightstand next to her. before I left the room I just leaned down next to her, "I wish I could tell you how I feel about you, but I can't, because it would crush you and make your dad... so until then I will see you again soon, just don't eat your mom's cookies without me" I whispered to her, just not to wake her. I leave the room quietly, but unknown to me at the time... she was listening to the whole thing, because after I left, she moved her head up and smiled, but with a little tear in her eye.

Time Skip: five minutes later

After that I went down to see if any more of my belongings were downstairs, as I went into the kitchen, because I felt a little hungry, I noticed Stolas was sitting at the counter in his red robe, he looked at me with exhausted eyes while drinking his coffee. "Good Morning" he said as I went and tied my shoes. "Morning... and thanks for saving me" I said as I put on my belt. "Don't thank me... Thank Via, she's the one who helped, and she wouldn't leave your bedside yesterday." I blushed a little bit and then just put on my jacket. But I was a little embarrassed to tell him how he slept with another demon instead if his wife, then again it wasn't any of my business to begin with. So I slowly just bid my farewell, then I saw octavia walk down the stairs, we didn't say anything we just looked into each other's eyes then I just bid my goodbyes and walked out the door.

Time Skip: one hour later

I got to my job on time and just had an exhausting and boring day, around clocking out, Blitzo walked in and just casually started a conversation. "So what the fuck are you up to Newby?" I just looked over and sighed, then I looked back to my work. "well, just recovering from my wounds" I replied in exhaust. "Yeah by the way what the shit were you thinking pulling a stunt like that" he yelled, I just shrugged, but I knew why I did it, because I care for her, I would die if I saw her get even a bruise on her body. He left after I just managed to completely ignore him... Moxxie turned to me and asked how I just can completely ignore him. "Just learned to focus on what I was doing or what I loved" after saying this I realized what I just said, then blushed... Loona came in a few seconds after telling me that Stolas was calling me... I felt like I had just fucked myself (and not in a good way). I pick up the phone next to me and answer... "Hello?" a familiar voice answered. "Hello N/N, so nice to hear from you." I looked in confusion and just politely answered. "Good to hear from you too sir, what is it that you wanted to talk about." I said, He didn't hesitate to answer back. "I was just calling to ask if you wanted to come over to dinner tonight, I will be out for tonight so it will just be the you and Via for tonight... think of it as a date, but if you ever go as far as fucking her, I will not hesitate to turn you to stone... but are you up for it?" "What should I wear?" I asked . "Anything you are comfortable with." "What about your wife?" I asked... all he could say ways, "Never mind that but you two should catch up some more, you two can order a pizza or something, but keep her company will you?" I agreed and he thanked me once more, after hanging up, I just yelled to Blitzo... "HEY I MIGHT NOT BE COMING TO WORK TOMORROW, THAT COOL WITH YOU?!?!?!" "YEAH GO FOR IT JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO WORK DOUBLE TIME THEN!!!" I moved away and left for the day.

Time Jump;   7:30 P.M.

I arrived at the mansion wearing my usual attire, I knocked at the door once to see if anyone was home, after the first knock I heard someone opening the door, it was Octavia, she was dressed in her attire, but she looked amazing as ever... What was I thinking, I was not ready for this... but I made a promise to that "Slim In Need Of A Meal" Stolas, and I wanted to see my friend. "Hey, you brought pizza?" I held out a box that said 'Hella Hut's Pizza'. "Sausage, olives, and pepperoni... just how you like it." she smiled and we hugged, the hug didn't last long but it warming, we both blushed a little bit, she invited me into the house, I still can't get over how big it is, even when we were little, but it was nice. "I got a T.V. in my room if you wanna come up." she said as she led me up to her room, it was mostly dark in some areas but the rest was lit by the beautiful setting, we walked into her room it still looked the same as it had today, she jumped on her bed and invited me over. My stupid bird hands were burning from the pizza so I walked over and put the pizza down in front of us. As I sat my feathered ass down I accidentally sat on the remote and turn on the Romance channel, as I sat back up and picked up the remote. "Wait can we leave this channel on please?" Octavia said quietly, I nodded and sat back down and put the remote between us.

Time skip: two hours later

We sat through the whole movie... BTW the movie was called Five Feet Apart, an earth movie but still enjoyable, when we finished the movie, we had finished up the pizza and were exhausted. "Well I should probably leave." "Why?" she asked as she crawled over. "it's getting late and I don't wanna keep you up." she started to tear up by she held back she said ok and I left, as I left the room, before I could make it to the stairs, I heard crying, I walked over to the her door and slowly opened it to see her curled up in a ball crying, I slowly entered the room again, and put my hand on her shoulder, Via looked back at me with eyes filled with tears, she leaped over and hugged me. "I thought you were leaving." she said as she looked at me still crying. I moved and carefully wiped her tears away, we looked at each other silently for a second. "I would hate to see such a beautiful face be filled with tears of sadness and fear." I said as we looked deep in each others eyes, we moved close to each other, she kissed me. "Sorry, I didn't know if that's what you meant." she said as she moved back a little bit, I gently put my hand on her face. "You missed." she looked back at me confused. "I didn't miss I kissed you." I leaned in and kissed her this time, her eyes widened, she then smiled, and started to tear up again. we leaned in on each other and kissed, we made silent moans as we did so, it was wonderful that we leaned back onto the bed, my feathers rustled a bit, but that didn't stop us, after the kissing, she leaned on me and cuddled he head under my neck, like our first sleepover, I felt her purring on my chest, it felt nice that I did the same. "I love you, N/N." Octavia said as she closed her eyes, I closed my eyes for a moment. "I love you too, Octavia" we fell asleep for the night

Time Skip: Next morning

The next morning I woke up first to find Octavia resting on me, it was nice to see the sun rise over the horizon through the stained glass, she nestled and I kissed her on her beautiful head, she slowly woke up and looked up at me. "Good Morning, Y/N" She said as she put her hand on my cheek and we lightly kissed. "Good Morning, Via. We cuddled for just a moment until there was a knock at the door, she nudged me to hide, so I put my feathery owl self under her bed. The door opened and it was Stella, Via's mother, she burst into the room in a rage of fury. "Via where's your father, he's not home today!!" I heard Octavia being moody, and said that her father had went to another business trip, he should come back today. Stella moaned in anger, and became calm. "Did he leave you here alone last night?" Stella asked her. this was so awkward because I am usually this quiet but at this moment my heart was racing because any shift I made under the bed could give me away. "No he called an old friend of mine to look after me." "Who was it?" Stella asked Via. "It was Y/N L/N, the one who I met at Loo Loo Land a long while back." Stella became a little excited. "Oh I remember him, how is he now?" Stella asked her, he's great, even after Dad practically banished him, but they made up... NOT BY FUCKING, by he stood up for me and got brutally injured but the robot clown there, but dad saved him." Octavia responded as Stella was preparing to leave. "Well at least he is fine, but that doesn't mean that your father is safe, so see Y/N sometime, and maybe you now share common interests." Stella said, as she was standing next to the door, "We have always shared common interests mom, and please don't kill dad at all today." Octavia said to her mother who was laughing suspiciously for a little. "Don't worry I won't. but get dressed, you have a friend to see today." Stella said as she closed the door,. Octavia sighed and bounced on her bed as a signal for me to come out now. I crawled out from under the bed. Unknown to Stella, I was there and had to find a way to get out of the house without being seen. "Can you Climb?" Via asked as she nodded to the window, I nudged and opened the window, before I left she walked over and kissed me goodbye. "I'll see you later today then?" I said to her as she smirked and kissed me again. "Yes, now go on before mom comes in again!" I carefully made my way down and quietly walked away, I waved good bye to her, she waved back as we both smiled again, I couldn't think about anything else on my way to work.

                                 continue on part three

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