Strawberry Blonde

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The bell rings and the short dark haired boy wakes up at an instant to the loud ringing sound and some chatter around him.

He realizes that he had fell asleep during class and managed to put all of his things away without being late to his next and final class of the day. He doesn't have many friends so he doesn't have to wait for anyone before leaving, besides, he's too impatient for that..

He made it to his final class just as the bell rung and tried to make himself busy just so he wouldn't fall asleep again, however the short brunet noticed an unfamiliar face walk through the door.

He examined the unfamiliar faces' features and noticed his green-ish eyes, assuming they were green because he knew yellow eyes were unnatural, and his long ish strawberry blonde hair which he could tell was strawberry blonde because he had a younger friend who would always brag about it. The blonde boy had light freckles scattered around his face which you could easily get jealous over, not George though.

George thought about how he would make a good boyfriend for someone who was looking. Gosh, maybe even a dad. He could even be a dad and not know it with his attractiveness... George thought to himself.

He got distracted from his thoughts by someone calling on him— the teacher. He noticed how the strawberry blonde looked his way, paying no mind to anyone else.

"Uh, sorry what ?" George asked as he brought himself back to reality, he was struggling to find some words. Truly taken aback by how similar the strawberry blonde looked to his older friend.

"George, you need to pay attention in class. If you do not answer this question right you will be given an hour of detention in my class once school is over..." the teacher said in a petite manner. "Now... who is currently the prime minister of Canada...?"

George thought for a moment, being completely clueless. Damnit George you need to pay more attention to class... "I'm not sure ma'am... Steve Jobs?"

The strawberry blonde chuckled at the brunettes response and was quick to raise his hand, knowing the answer almost immediately.

The teacher sighed, "Alright. Detention for you I guess..." she facepalmed but after looked up to see the blond boy's hand up. "Ah, Clay! Why don't you tell us?"

Ah, so his name is Clay.. I guess he isn't who I was thinking of. George thought to himself.

"The prime minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau I'm pretty sure, miss," Clay answered proudly chuckling at the end.

George couldn't get over his soft chuckle, he could never. Clay's voice was soft like a baby's skin but also very appealing to the ear. George could listen to him speak forever and not get tired of it.

Soon enough the bell rang. George quickly packed his things and began to head for the door before he was interrupted. Slightly jumping from the unexpected interaction, he turned to notice the strawberry blonde poking him to get his attention.

"Haha, hey!" He said smiling at George, his hand still up from awkwardly waving while the other held one of his backpack straps.

"Hi..?" George responded awkwardly.

"You're pretty funny, Steve Jobs isn't the prime minister of Canada ahha"

"Oh- I know sorry I was tried"

"Oh well, do you wanna hangout? I'm new to this school and I don't really know anyone ..."

George was taken aback from the blondes request, hesitating he was about to answer before he was interrupted again.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you my name... I'm Clay!"

"Yeah- I'm George. Also sure we could hangout I guess- uh where do you wanna go?"

George and Clay began walking towards the front door which was practically inches away. Clay stopped right before the door, however which left George confused.

"Wait, what if we go to a book store?" Clay suggested.

"Wha- a book store?" George scrunched his face looking at Clay even more confused. "Why?"

"If you don't wanna go that's totally fine- but we can just hangout and there's this book that I really want.."

George was hesitant yet again, but like the people pleaser he is he accepted Clays request. Although he wasn't much into books... maybe this'll be a chance to get to know his new friend better.

They walked to the book store since it was pretty much right next to the school, once they got there George headed straight to the small café to order something for the two of them as Clay went the other way looking for his book.

George made his way towards the man at the register and ordered what he'd usually get at café's, just a strawberry lemonade. Although he was unsure what to get for Clay, he just got him some matcha green tea and a cake pop for the both of them.

He sat down at a table scrolling through his phone until he was interrupted by the strawberry blonde.

"I found the book- look!" Clay went up to George smiling, showing him the book. The title read The Song of Achilles.

George recognized his book, remembering that he had to read it for a book club assignment in freshman year. He was confused as to why Clay was looking for that book but went on to give him his matcha green tea and cake pop.

During the time of George scrolling through tiktok and Clay flipping through the page, George would occasionally laugh at a post and then show it to Clay but this got boring eventually...

"Can you tell me about the book you're reading?" George asked, although he knew about it already he just wanted to spark conversation.

Clay went on about the book, explaining it very precisely while George just sat and listened. He loved listening to Clay talk about the book and every now and then George would ask questions about it as if he's never read it before. He loved staring into Clay's deep green eyes watching as he talked about it like he wrote it himself. It was almost impossible to not fall in love with him.

Look at you strawberry blonde, George thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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