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Hello cuties!

Welcome to my precious baby Fanfic..

Love Sick

I want to thank you all so much for taking your time to read this, I really appreciate it, I'm just gonna say some things super quick.

This story will contain a polyamorous relationship between Klaus Mikalson, Anastasia Gilbert, and Elijah Mikaelson... if you don't like that then... uh leave. Idk lmao

I have NOT and will NOT, edit any of my published chapters, I'm aware that there are mistakes, (considering I don't know how to spell for absolute shit) but I won't go in an fix misspelled words or add periods or anything like until this WHOLE thing is finished.

So don't comment and complain about my fucked up spelling and mistakes, thanks !

This fanfic will very loosely follow the original plot of the vampire diaries, I'll be making it into my own little thing to match my own plot but it won't be that off putting don't worry.

I do not own The Vampire Diaries or anything regarding this amazing show besides my original character (Anastasia Gilbert) and other characters I add into my story

I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my original characters. Sorry not sorry. Anastasia is my character and I'll write her however the hell I want. That means that she'll make mistakes and act stupid.

Please do not plagiarize my plot, ideas and dialogue! Look, im all for you using ideas for inspiration or whatever. I don't really care but at least tell me (I've learned my lesson)

Also, Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated but if you don't like my story or writing then stop reading. Don't be a little asshole and bitch about everything you don't like about my fanfic.

My updates will be slow, I have no updating schedule but I try to make my chapters enjoyable! My chapters are long as hell to.

Now For The Trigger warnings!
My story will contain mentioning of-

Sex-detailed Scenes
(Very...very detailed)

Swearing-lots of it
I'm serious my girl cusses lots. If you don't like cussing then don't read my story. (In the nicest way possible)

Detailed violence-Murder, blood, witchcraft
(Ahh don't we all love a good murder scene?)

Mental illnesses- survivors guilt, mentions of suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, depression, bipolar depression, abandonment issues, self-harm, grief, hallucinations. Eating disorders etc

Heavy Alcohol consumption.
(My girl doesn't drink or do drugs but when she does expect a TW and some funny ass scenes lmfao)

Drug use
(Not hard core. Just da za)

please, please
take your mental health into consideration before reading my story. This fanfic isn't only gonna be about Anastasia's love interests, this is going to be about her and her journey through life.


I am not very experienced in writing but I will try my best, if you have any advice I will gladly hear you out!:)

Okay, that's it, I hope you all enjoy this shitty fanfic, love you all.

Book one in the
Love sick

Love sick ✩ 𝗡+𝗘 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻 Where stories live. Discover now