00. Mad Woman.

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     "Oh, fuck me" Anastasia couldn't remember a time when she felt this worried, she felt a constant fear that was in the pit of her stomach, creeping its way up to her throat making it hard for her to breathe properly. Suddenly Anastasia felt her throat close then-

"As much as I would love to, I can't because You're panicking, stop panicking" December Blackford's firm voice snapped, she could hear Anastasia's uneven breathing through the phone and knew exactly what was happening. Anastasia was having a panic attack "Are you still on the road? Pull over." She said, keeping her voice steady

There was a small voice in the back of Anastasia's head that yelled at her to pull over so, she took a staggering breath and pulled into a parking lot of what looked like a run-down bar, it was a small bar, one on the outskirts of Chicago. A big neon sign that read Gloria's bar was lighting up the small parking lot and a glowing red open sign on the front door.

"Hello? Stasia? You there?" December snapped in annoyance. Despite being her best friend Anastasia could easily say that December is a bitch. But that's what she loved about her.

"Here," Anastasia said after taking a deep breath "I'm fine" She wasn't fine. The girl had just spent the last 3 weeks in New Jersey touring Princeton University. She had applied at the end of her junior year and was given the opportunity to take some summer classes over there for her last year of high school. Once senior ends she's going to spend the next four years of her life working to get her bachelor's in neuroscience.

Unfortunately for her, these past weeks that she had been gone her sister Elena hadn't called, her best friend Damon Salvatore had, only saying that not to worry and that everyone was just super busy but obviously That didn't stop Anastasia from worrying, I mean how could she let this go on for this long?

What if he found her?

"You need to chill the fuck out, you scared the shit out of me, I thought you were gonna crash and die or something"

This made Anastasia roll her eyes "fuck off"

"December!" Amora gasped "Don't say things like that! The universe can hear us, you know" Amora believes that everyone can talk to the universe and wish for things, aka manifestation. Amora was a little bit weird but that's what made her so special and unique.

Anastasia had met December and Amora a little over 3 years ago on her first day of high school, the three immediately became the best of friends and never spent a day apart, even deciding to apply to the same college. They had come with Anastasia to tour Princeton University for the three weeks so that she wouldn't be alone.

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