chapter 8 (1/2)

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Arthit was peacefully sleeping, in his wonderful dreamland when his alarm clock rung and he sighed. He didn't want to wake up just yet, its only 8 in the morning. Looking around he noticed a sticky note on his cupboard which said Valentine's day!

Jumping out of the bed arthit quickly ran to the washroom and had a shower, getting ready in his casual yet trending look, he was about to grab his phone and leave when he noticed something, a letter!

Taking a seat arthit took the letter and read what the envelope said

To my only love p'arthit

Arthit immediately knew who it was but the question was when did Kongpob place it here?

Excitement taking over his senses arthit quickly opened the letter and put the envelope away

Good morning p! I hope you slept well last night and me intruding at 2 in the night didn't disturb you

Arthit chuckled and understood how the junior sneaked in with the spare key! Shaking his head arthit continued reading

So happy Valentine's day p, I'm really sorry about not celebrating each and every day just like you did, but I have done something for you and I hope it makes you smile! Thank you so much for the time you spent with me even though you have a lot of homework to do and also for the affection you showed, for making me feel special, for making me feel! You can start exploring your room, let's start with the balcony

Arthit was confused as the letter ended, placing it away arthit walked to the balcony. As he opened the gate, he was surprised would be an understatement, there was a beautiful rose bouquet in front of him which had the letter A on it

 As he opened the gate, he was surprised would be an understatement, there was a beautiful rose bouquet in front of him which had the letter A on it

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