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I really never knew I would have a sword fight. Mom always said that it's not what a lady supposed to do. But here I am swinging a sword in front of Devin while he's blocking all of them.

Best sword fight ever I must say. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Devin POV

She's really good at this, she have never touched a sword before and she beats me on our third fight. I'm impressed.

We did this the whole day. It was so fun really. Mocking her was the funniest of course. Her getting angry and swinging the sword almost all random is the funniest.

She won one more fight than me sadly.

Time skipuu haha

Narrator POV

Y/N and Devin have been sword fighting for a week, there friend ships getting stronger and Y/N gets better very fast.

It's getting later and the camp decides to throw a small party at the campfire to have fun.

Y/N is dancing as usual, she does it every time and every chance she gets she dances.

"HEY DEVIN you coming?" Y/N said while dancing around the fire

"I can't dance" Devin says

"Then imma teach you. Just follow my lead and listen to the music" Y/N says

"Just follow the music, I promise it's fun" Y/N says

Peter was playing music with his flute while Felix was sitting amazed that Devin actually danced, he hated it, he could dance it's just that he hates it.

"Your actually dancing Devin, tough you hated to dance?" Felix asked

That was when all the lost boys realized he's actually dancing, just because Y/N said he should just try

"Yeah it's actually fun" Devin says

Y/N stoped dancing, she's been dancing for hours. Of course she's tired after that.

"Well I'm gonna go to sleep" Y/N says

"Yeah me to" Devin says

And they walked of. Before you couldn't see them Devin picked Y/N up

Devin POV

"Oh cmon why did you pick me up, I can walk. I'm not that tired" she says

"Why not your short legs must be tired after dancing all night." I said

"Oh shut it Devin" she says

"You don't need to be so annoyed Y/N/N" I said

"Stop call me that dummy" she said

"Oh cmon why not, you know what imma just go to sleep" I said annoyed

I put her down and I almost fell onto my bed. I were so tired.

After I while she was laying behind me. She rolled almost on me so i knew she were asleep, it would never happen other wise. She always does this when she's asleep.

I laid her on my chest and had the world in my arms.

Wait I can't catch feelings. She's my best friend. Nothing else.

I tried getting it out of my head. I guess I fell asleep meanwhile.

Best friends with benefits [Y/N x Devin the lost boy]Where stories live. Discover now