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He slammed me back against the door, nearly banging my head in the process. I felt his mouth crash against my own.

"What are you doing?!" I managed to gasp out when he started to trail his kisses up and down my neck. I struggled to push him off me, only for him to push me (if possible) harder against the door.

"What does it look like? I'm doing you." Thanatos chuckled darkly, I can't see his face, but I knew he had on that teasing smirk. I tried pushing him off again to no avail, he's practically a brick wall.

"Look, I get that you have some problems going on, I really do. But we can't do this. I know this great therapist who can help you with this... infatuation with me." My voice was wavering. I cleared my throat still trying to keep him from hearing the abnormal pitch in my voice that is sure to give me away. I heard him growl into my shoulder, actually growl, before I felt him grab my wrists and pin them above my head, leaving me without the little defense I had. " This isn't healthy." I glared at him.

" My only fucking problem is you, David. You think this is easy for me to find out I'm mated? And not only that, but to a guy? My father will be extremely pissed, and frankly, I couldn't care less. What I care about is that you walk in here with your stupid eyes, all big and innocent, that have me wanting to rip out those shít long lashes. And that fúcking mouth, your lips all thick and red, they make me want to kiss you just to see if you wear lipstick. I hate it. I hate you. You make me want you so fúcking bad, and I can't stand it." He lifted his gaze to glare at me. "Then you come in here to make jokes about it? I could kill you, I should kill you." I flinched at his tone, he was definitely angry right now.

"I wasn't kidding about the therapy. Ever thought that maybe you were a little psychotic?" I said before thinking. My eyes widened at what slipped out.
'Way to put your foot in you mouth, Cal.'
'Not helping.'

His grip tightened on my wrists, making me bite down on my bottom lip because of the pain shooting down my arms. He shifted his eyes to my lips as I broke the skin and tasted metal. "Stop it." He glared down at them.

"You're hurting me." I said through clenched teeth.

He lessened his grip slightly, so that the pain was bearable and able to let blood flow through my veins again. He let out an irritating sigh as I released my lip from my teeth.
'Is this guy ever satisfied?'

He looked down at me sharply and I was scared that he can actually see through me and my facade.
'Don't be paranoid."
'I'm already crazy, so why not be cautious?'
'You aren't crazy.'
'I hear voices, and you're one of them.'
'Can't you get over your denial and listen? I'm not just a voice.'
'Then what exactly are you?'

No response.
'Thought so.' I snapped, instantly feeling stupid for even fighting a figure of my imagination.

I was brought back from my little argument with a loud snarl from Thanotos. He released one of my wrists only to throw a fist at my face. I closed my eyes just as it landed centimeters from my head with a loud craaack!. I slowly opened them to see him sneering at me.

"Why in hell are you not listening to me? Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I was too busy transfixed on the hole made from the impact of his fist to bring myself to look at him, it went straight through, I could see into the hallway. I wonder if I could scream loud enough, someone would hear me. I quickly threw that idea out the window, even if some could hear me, no one would dare question the future Alfa.

He grabbed my chin and jerked my face mere inches from his. "I should kill you" he seethed, repeating his words from earlier.

"Why haven't you?" I stated. ' I'm either really brave and finally growing a pair, not literally of course, or really stupid and just handed my life over on a silver platter.' But it was weird, why hasn't he killed me yet? Some sick game of cat and mouse? Suspense?

He looked torn, like wether he should slit my throat right then and there to just solve all his problems, or just shove me against the door again and thrust his tongue down my throat as a way of choking me. For some reason a little, and slightly messed up, part of me unfortunately liked the last idea. A lot. Stupid mate bond.

"I don't know." He said hesitantly. He rested his forehead against mine and breathed in my scent. He was even beautiful when he was frustrated. He might be crazier than I am, but I can't help but admire his perfectly sculpted face. From his strong jaw, to his thick, beautiful lips. The bridge of his nose was slightly crooked, as if it was broken in a some fights. His mismatched, dark forest green eyes were framed with lashes women would die for and lying under his left there was a small beauty mark in the corner. His black hair was slightly curled at the tips, a little messy from constantly ran his hands through it. Not only did he have an angelic face, but a killer body. He was taller than my 5'3" standing about 6'3'', had thick muscular arms, but nothing extreme as a bodybuilder would, broad chest and shoulders, and you can practically see his six pack from how form fitting his shirt is. He was undeniably breathtaking.
"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want me just as bad as I want you." He stated in a husky voice.

'Bipolar much?' I resist rolling my eyes, knowing he wouldn't take too well with that. He put his hands on my waist, above where it meets my hips, and leaned into me for another kiss. I pulled back slightly.
'Let him.' The voice said.
'Do you need an excuse for everything?'

I stilled as he put his lips on mine, not knowing how to respond. They were less angry and frantic than last time, more passionate and softer. I thought about just staying still, as he didn't seem to mind if I responded or not. He slowly moved his lips against mine in a teasing manner, swiping his tongue across my lips.
Screw it, I thought, giving in to temptation. He really was a great kisser, I felt him tug on my bottom lip and heard his low moan when I granted him access.

We fought for dominance, after what seemed like forever but all too soon at the same time, I gave in and was content on just following his rythum. I let out a sigh when I felt a hand reach down and grab my butt. I reached up and wrap my arms around his neck, giving into the moment and forgetting of being scared, of worrying all the time, and just forgetting everything.

I tug at his hair and he pressed his body against mine, pushing me up harder against the door and I instantly felt excited at the gesture. And he was to, if the sudden pressure against my stomach was anything to go by.

I felt him freeze and slowly pull away to give me a confused look.

"What?" My heart was beating hard against my ribcage, feeling as if it would burst. I wouldn't be shocked if he could hear it, which he undoubtedly could, with the advanced hearing and all.

Thanatos was quiet for a while. He just stared at me, and I, him.

"You have breasts." He stated calmly, his face a mask from showing any emotions, but the shock in his eyes rang loud and clear. It wasn't a question, but I nodded anyway, not able to lie to him. Was that relief that passed through his features?

"You're a girl."

Tell me what you think,

Pic of Thanotos. (Ian Smoderholder ;))

[Slightly updated ]

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