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Hakimi opens his eyes slowly as he sits up and looks around. 'We're back' thinks Hakimi. He looks at Shafiq that stands up. "We're back," said Shafiq. "Yeah," said Hakimi. " What happen to Digital World?" asked Shafiq. "You're guess is as good as mine," said Hakimi as he stands up and pulls out his red digivice. "Anything?" asked Shafiq. He looks at the digivice that shows a digital compass. "This compass wants us to go to somewhere," said Hakimi. "But where is Agumon and Guilmon?" asked Shafiq. "Hopefully, this compass let us to them," said Hakimi as he walks, followed by Shafiq.

Sayuri walks around as Makimon walks behind her. She then looks at her digivice. "Where am I heading to?" asked Sayuri. "I have no idea," said Makimon. "Where am I?" asked Sayuri. "Digital World, where creature called Digital Monsters exist," said Makimon. "Digital Monsters?" asked Sayuri. "That's us. I am Makimon, your partner," said Makimon. "Partner?" asked Sayuri. "Yes," said Makimon with a smile. Sayuri sighs.

Reese and David arrive at the river. "How are we going to cross the river?" asked Reese. David looks around as Gazimon stands beside him as Antaimon stands beside Reese. "Any ideas?" asked David. "There is a port nearby," said Gazimon, points towards the port. "Good idea," said Reese. 

Sayuri and Makimon arrive at the beach. "That's weird, no one is here," said Makimon. "No humans?" asked Sayuri. "There is no humans in Digital World," said Makimon. "That's a good news," said Sayuri sarcastically.

The bushes behind them begin to shake as Makimon turns around and growls in anger while making defensive stand. Suddenly Hakimi and Shafiq jump out and run pass Sayuri and Makimon and stop at the edge of the beach. "That was so close," said Shafiq as he pants heavily. "How the heck Flymon can get that many in mere of seconds?" asked Hakimi, still pants heavily. "Better than meeting Kuwagamon I guess," said Shafiq. "Ano," called Sayuri. "Any idea on why we were called back?" asked Shafiq. "Another evil that we need to defeat like always but why just two of us instead of the whole team?" asked Hakimi. "I want to know as well, Niichan," said Shafiq. "Ano," called Sayuri, again. "Whatever it is, we won't find our answers on File Island," said Hakimi. "But we can explore, right? There is a reason why we were dumped here," said Shafiq. He sighs. "That is a possibility too. Beside we need to figure it out about food supply for just 4 of us," said Hakimi. "Can we just find the portal and exit to Real World?" asked Shafiq. "If we can find one," said Hakimi.

"Hey!" The duo look at Sayuri and Makimon that stand nearby. Shafiq looks at Makimon. "I never seen a dog type Digimon before," said Shafiq. "I am a wolf!" yelled Makimon, earning sweatdrops from her partner and Hakimi. "Are you one of the Digidestined?" asked Hakimi. "By the looks of it, yeah since I have the digivice," said Sayuri, showing her midnight blue digivice. "That's explain the midnight blue dot in the compass," said Hakimi, showing his red digivice that has hologram compass with midnight blue dot in the center while yellowish pink and dark green arrow on the south. "What should we do?" asked Sayuri. "The best is we head there too. We need to reunite all Digidestined," said Hakimi. Sayuri nods. He looks at his brother. "Stop bugging that doggie. We need to move on," said Hakimi, earning a sweatdrop from Sayuri. "She is a wolf, you know," said Sayuri. "I know," said Hakimi. 

Reese sits beside David. "I already check. No one here, both humans or Digimon," said Reese. "How are we going to get across?" asked David. "We can cut the trees and make a rake," said Gazimon. "Good idea," said Antaimon. "I'll gather the woods," said Gazimon. "I'll find something to tied the woods," said Antaimon. "Sure. We'll be here, waiting for any Digidestined," said Reese as David nods. The rabbit and the horse Digimon walk out. 

Rachael and Maika walk through the forest with Renamon and Monodramon. Rachael looks at her reddish maroon digivice. "We're approaching the port. There are yellowish pink and dark green dot nearby," said Rachael. "Let's head there," said Maika as Rachael nods.

Shafiq and Sayuri follow Hakimi that still looking at his digivice. "We're not far away from our last position but still far away from the dots," said Hakimi. Shafiq looks at Sayuri. "My name is Shafiq. And you are?" asked Shafiq. "Sayuri," said Sayuri. "I am Makimon," said Makimon. "Please to meet you," said Shafiq. "Where is your Digimon?" asked Sayuri. Shafiq points towards sleeping Koromon on his head. "Your brother's?" asked Sayuri. Shafiq points towards Gigimon that sits on his brother's shoulder. Sayuri nods.

Maika and Rachael arrive at the river with their own Digimon. "We should follow the river," said Rachael. "Hey," They look at Cory and Shamamon that run towards them. "What's wrong?" asked Rachael. "We better run now," said Cory. "Why? What happen?" asked Maika. Her question answered as Kuwagamon flies out and head towards them. "Oh crap," said Rachael as they run, chasing Cory.

Sayuri turns around. Shafiq looks at her. "What's wrong?" asked Shafiq. "I heard something approaching us," said Sayuri as Makimon growls in anger and makes her attacking stance. Hakimi looks at his digivice and sees reddish maroon and dark blue dots approaching the center. "Another Digidestineds approaching us in fast rate," said Hakimi. As in cue, Maika, Rachael and Cory run pass them, followed by their Digimon. Hakimi looks up and sees Kuwagamon flies towards them. Hakimi narrows his eyes as Gigimon jumps down. His red digivice begins to glow brightly.

"Gigimon digivolves to....Guilmon!"

Guilmon lands in front of Hakimi as he pulls out his card and slides it on the right side of the digivice. "Digimodify, Power Charger," said Hakimi. Guilmon gathers the fireball in his mouth. "Pyro Sphere!" yelled Guilmon, firing the fireball towards Kuwagamon, hitting the lower body, causing the bug Digimon to fall back. "We better go now before he wakes up," said Hakimi. Shafiq and Sayuri nod. The trio along with Makimon and Guilmon follow the trio girls.

Somewhere at the huge castle, the Emperor laughs evilly. "I have been expecting you, Digidestined. This is going to be a lot more interesting," said the Emperor as he laugh evilly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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