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The divorce had been difficult on Bastian as well as the children. Eight years of marriage to Jodie had finally been put in the past when he signed the divorce papers. Bastian couldn't say he was too happy about it all. He had married her for a reason and though there were differences that separated them, he still cared about her. And he knew the children would miss her. How else would they fell when suddenly their whole lives were changing before their very eyes?

Bastian had gotten custody of them, because Jodie had never done anything else besides being a housewife. She had put her studies on hold when, at twenty-one years of age she had gotten pregnant and married Bastian. Now she had nothing to fall back on and nothing to offer the children. Bastian offered to help finance her studies, but her pride was too great and she declined the offer. Though he didn't see why he couldn't help her as a friend. They would be seeing each other for the rest of their lives anyway, Bastian had promised her he would let the children visit her whenever they wanted. It was best to stay on good terms.

His friends and family suggested he should get away from it all, go on vacation. And that summer, when he got a break from football for a couple of weeks, he decided he would visit Mexico. He had been to Cabo San Lucas once already and figured his destination, in Chapala, Jalisco, would be just as beautiful.

With a few weeks of anticipation, he was able to plan it all. He would be staying in a mansion by the edge of Lake Chapala, and the location was less than a half hour from the beach. The house he rented was also an hour's drive from Guadalajara, which was one of the most renowned cities in the country of Mexico. He had learned it was the birth place of mariachi music and their local team was something Bastian wanted to see. They had played against Bayern in the summer, a year prior, and he had been impressed at the team he was certain they could easily defeat.

Bastian and his two kids arrived at the Guadalajara airport on a Friday in an early afternoon. As he walked, hand in hand with the impatient children by his side, he spotten a young man with a sign that read 'Bastian Schweinsteiger'. Bastian noticed the man looked almost relieved about something.

When they reached him, the man smiled, greeting them in english. "Welcome to Mexico." 

"We are very happy to be here." Bastian told him.

"My name is Jose Hernandez," He introduced himself, putting the sign under his arm once he stopped needing it. "My family owns the old mansion on Lake Chapala. If you could follow me, I can take you over there and show you around."

As the four made their way through the airport to the parking lot, the little girl tugged at her father's hand. "Daddy," She began, her voice full of innocence. "Is mommy coming to see us later?"

Bastian sighed. No matter how many times he had explained to his little girl that Jodie wouldn't be going with them to Mexico, she still asked him about it. "Neinmein liebling. Mama stayed in Deutschland. This trip is only for us three."

"Why?" His seven year old son challenged, looking up at the tall figure of his father.

"Because mama und papa are not together anymore." He gave the same explanation each time they asked him. In a softer tone of voice, he added, "When we return home, I'll take you to see mama. Okay?"

The children nodded and stayed quiet.





Jose drove up to the house, which was very well kept, but didn't look like it had been used in years. And Bastian was impressed at its size. It was a two floor mansion of old spanish colonial architecture and he was surprised he had been able to rent it for such a low price, considering how beautiful the house and the property were. Perhaps, he thought, there was something wrong with it and as a result the owners were taking small amounts of money for the rent.

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