Support My Sister

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Hye Guyz!!

Please Support my sister story <3 ^^


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Kang Min Ah and Na Jaemin trying to get out from their mess life

Kang Min Ah has no emotions until she met Jaemin

"you don't need to know, that is my problem."

"your problem is my problem."

"since when?"

"since now,"

Jaemin trying to forget about his past

The dreamies trying to comfort Jaemin

"I'm embarrassed with my life...I don't have anybody...people around me keep leaving me...I don't want to lose you guys."

"by keeping you think by keeping it can solve this."

"I'm broken, one can fix me..this broken will stay in me and never get a fix...because I'm fucking coward...I'm scared with my past."


So how was it? hehe 

If any of you guys want me to promote your story just DM me okie. ~~  

Thank You...

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