"Tell me the truth Sibel"

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Taner is still alive and married to Sibel. She goes shopping. While she is nearby a cloakroom someone pulls her in. It's Ramo, that instantly puts his hand on her mouth so she couldn't scream and her bodyguards wouldn't suspect anything. Because they work for Taner and would tell him if she did anything other than shopping.

As Ramo and Sibel are in the cloakroom, she looks surprised to see him, but gives a sign she won't scream by nodding her head.
He slowly puts his hand down and she asks him

S: What are you doing here Ramo?
R: I know you're hiding something from me.
He starts with a rough tone in his voice.
S: What would I hide from you?
R: The fact that you did everything for me, you married that pislik(Taner) for me

They were looking at each other's eyes, when Sibel pushes him back, so they wouldn't this close with saying
S: No, I married him, because of power...and the fact that I love him, is another thing.

Sibel was breaking inside with those words, so was Ramo. But he wasn't ready to give up this time.

R: Yeah, I won't believe that Sibel
Ramo grabs her hand and walks outside the cloakroom with her by his side.

S: Where are we going?
R: Somewhere where we can talk.
They go through the back door of the shop, so that Sibel's bodyguards wouldn't notice them. They walk to the alley and look around if no one is there or watching them. When everything looked without trouble Ramo started again.

R: Tell me. Tell me why you married him and threw me in jail.
Sibel was still having her head fixed on the ground not wanting to look him in the eyes, because she felt like a traitor.
S: Nothing, I did it all for me.

Ramo could sense she was lying and that's why he was not letting go so easily
R: If not for me, have you ever thought about my family? Sebos, Hassan, Affet, little Fatos...?

Sibels eyes suddenly looked at his. She was furious. How could he say that? Not caring, while everything she has ever done, was for him and his family. As she was looking into his eyes, she screamed at him.
S: It was all for you, for you and your family.

Sibel was still angry but relieved. Ramo couldn't believe his ears.

R: I knew it all along, you wouldn't betray me...I knew it
He murmured

Sibels looks softened, Because she knew she has hurt him in the past so much. When Sibel came back to herself, she wanted to leave, but Ramo wouldn't let her.
As she was turning back trying to walk away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her close so their lips would be touching. It only lasted a while, Sibel knew, she would not resist if it was longer. She pushed him back and this time walked away faster.
Ramo after a little trans came to himself and screamed at her
R: So you're coming back. What if he hurts you?

Sibel wouldn't dare to turn back, because if she would do so, then she couldn't walk away. Ramo was still looking at her back quickly disappearing in the distance. In his ears were still ringing those magical words, "it was all for you and your family Ramo".

He didn't know whether he should be happy or not. Happy from finally knowing the truth or sad from sharing her with Another man. She came back to him. How could she?... He is out of prison now, was this all lie and masking to hide the unwanted truth?
He thought.

Sibel still walking towards the clothes shop. Remembering his kiss, as from her eyes fell down one merely visible tear. She quickly wiped away her tear, because what if someone saw her. More precisely her bodyguards, that were surely looking for her everywhere by now. As she wanted to enter again by the back door, someone stood in front of her.

With her still looking down and drowning in her thoughts she looked up from toes to head. It was her bodyguard asking her "where have you been? Are you hurt? Did someone kidnap you? Should we call the boss(Taner)?"

Sibel wanted to say yes to all of the questions because they were true. She was hurt, emotionally. She was kidnapped by Ramo for a moment. Only the last question was a big no. That's when Sibel stopped drowning in her thoughts and came back to reality as she answered "no, I am fine. Don't call anyone, especially not Taner" Not her fake husband, that is meant to be real, and disgusts her. She thought...

The bodyguard looked at the valley where she was coming from, and send some men to search the valley just to assure themselves. Sibel knew there wouldn't be anybody by this time, because Ramo was smart and wouldn't let himself be seen. So there was no worry, but then something started to ring.

It was Sibel's phone. "Taner is calling" She rolled her eyes, and pushed that big bodyguard away so she could walk through the doors. She let her phone ring for a while. Right before it stopped ringing, she picked it up.

S: I am listening Taner.
T: Where did That askim go?
There was dead silence, because Sibel was not comfortable with him calling her right after her seeing Ramo. What if Taner knows something?  What if he knows, how in love she is with Rami. It all was playing in Sibel's head like a bad film.

T: I just wanted to assure, you were okay. One of the bodyguards told me you were gone for a while.

Sibel started to silently curse the one bodyguard who called Taner, because she had to speak to him.
S: I am fine. They are always exaggerating.

She couldn't forgive herself bitter reminder
S: Why are you always controlling
Me? Am I your puppet or your wife?
T: Wife of course

They both started to giggle, but Sibel's giggles weren't true at all. Just so he wouldn't say anything and hang up the phone quicker
T: Tamam askim I have to go. Work is calling me
S: Yeah, me too "askim".

She said it with a false tone in her voice as everything "nice" she tells him.

She still couldn't get Ramo outside her head, because it was after a long 3,5 years they were this close together.

Sibel silently: Will he forgive me?
Her thoughts were stirred up one more time. It was time to go home. She had to get into the car, not hers. Even for that, she had bodyguards. Everywhere... It was her worse decision to marry Taner. It was useful anyways. She thought.

Now she was regretting everything. If only they stayed safe and sound in Adana. If only...
The car has slowly started to move on. What will Sibel do now? Ramo knows only half a story. Nobody told him she signed a contract with Taner bounding her life to their marriage. Assuring, that she won't benefit herself from their marriage. Now was the time to regret everything...

The end🌻☁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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