127 hours (part two) は謁虞ツ

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Warnings: graphic injury detail, cursing, angst

Word count: 1352


you stared at your hand, absolutely stunned, trying to process what just happened. blood from your hand smeared down the wall just above the boulder, you began to feel around your hand and the boulder, evaluating the damage.

After a few minutes your shock came to an end and your adrenaline kicked in. You began barging the boulder with extreme force, grunting with each push, you then tried pulling it up from the bottom with your one free hand, your voice blaring with frustration and distress, desperately crying your absolute lungs out.

you continued to barge and push with all your strength, clamping your teeth down but to no avail.

"this is insane!"" you cried while panting, still desperately trying to pull your arm out, now pulling backwards also pushing with your feet but your efforts were still in vain, the rock was too heavy

"move this fucking rock!" you yelled slamming and punching the rock. your adrenaline rush was coming to an end and you knew that if your adrenaline rush didn't get you out when your senses and strength were at its peak you had little to no chance of getting out now.

you sobbed dry tears, resting your head on your forearm. as a last resort you began kicking the boulder but as expected, it got you no where

suddenly you began to scream, hoping for some one to hear you "help! please anybody! I'm down here! please help me!" you stopped gasping for air but then continued.

"Levi! Hanji! Irwin! Please anybody help me!" you continued gasping again while sobbing repeating to yourself "please, please help me"

you started tugging and pulling again but with less force because you had wasted your energy from the first time trying. "fuck" you said leaning against the wall with your eyes closed breathless

after a while you managed to get yourself together and pulled out all the contents out of your bag out to examine what you had.

you pulled out your water bottle and begun to take a large drink until realizing you were stuck here and would need to save it but you had drunk quite a large amount. you cursed yourself and laid the rest of the contents out on the boulder.

A stale piece of bread, a camcorder, two sets of rope, your odm gear, you already had your harness on, all you had in your bag were the wires and a swiss army knife

Hanji had made it and given to you, inspecting the knife carefully you pressed it against your thumb which was showing atop the boulder but you felt little pain as it was beginning to go numb. you grimaced as you placed the swiss knife down.

setting all the other contents to the side you picked up the knife and began to chisel away at the rock above your hand.

you chiseled away at it for about thirty minutes until you accidently dropped the knife down onto the ground which was out of reach. "Shit" you groaned, trying to reach down and grab it but you just couldn't reach, you weren't even close. "fuck" you snarked, banging your fist against the rock

you took your shoes and socks off and began trying to reach it with your foot but you still weren't any closer to getting it. Getting close to giving up you then spotted a small stick that was within your reach so you grabbed it and made a hook at the bottom.

holding the stick with your foot you reached down again in extreme concentration, you managed to hook the swiss knife and pulled it up so you could grab it with your hand.

you let out a cry of joy. "thank god" you smiled, at least something is going my way today. you pressed the knife against your thumb again and it was now completely numb, you felt absolutely nothing. it was already beginning to loose its color.

*levi's POV*

I shouldn't have been so hard on her  I thought to myself as I made my way down to mess hall for dinner, I'll apologise to her once I get there, I'll find some way to make it up to her. I opened the door and made my way to our usual table, everyone else was there but (y/n) was nowhere in sight.

"hey foureyes, have you seen (y/n)?" I asked, Hanji looked at me in confusion "she isn't with you?" she replied "tsk obviously not, why would I be asking you if she was" I said, getting frustrated.

"she said she was going out for a walk earlier on but I thought she'd be back by now" Hanji said, still looking confused, everyone else had picked up on the conversation looking at each other asking if they had seen her. "none of us have seen her since this morning sir" Eren called out.

"shit" I mumbled turning on my heel, making my way out the mess hall, this is all my fault. it was only 6 o'clock so she'll probably be back by tonight, or he hoped at least.

*(yn/n)'s POV*

It was now getting dark and it scared you, being stuck all alone in the middle of nowhere but you continued chiseling away at the rock. to say you were thirsty would be an understatement, you kept glancing back an forth at the bottle. you blew away the dust from chiseling and it got caught in your throat causing to to cough, making your mouth and throat dry, your thirst was now ten times worse.

after another hour of continuing to chisel you checked your watch, you decided to take a drink every 12 hours to conserve what you had, to your relief it was 11:59, you sighed as you stretched your sore cramped hand, then you watched it eagerly waiting, you snatched the bottle up immediately taking a much needed drink, you relished in the feeling of water running down your throat.

it was now officially Sunday. You stared up at the moon now taking time to think about todays events.

'don't be so stupid and annoying, I know it just comes natural to you but its starting to get on my god damn nerves'

"don't be so stupid and annoying" you quietly repeated to yourself feeling a pang of pain in your heart, he probably wont even notice I'm gone.

you shook your thoughts away and grabbed the rope, only taking one you bit down on both ends and began to toss the middle up above you, there was an another rock but it was apart of the ground and had another part of rock protruding at the top, if you could just hook it up but try after try after try it just wouldn't hook, it was now about your 30th try, you groaned, about to give up but on your last try you got it. "yes" you said gratefully while giving it a tug.

you tied and secured both ends of the rope onto your harness, now you didn't have to stand, you could lean back onto it, giving you a chance to rest. feeling thirsty again you checked your watch and felt your heartache, it was only now 12:41, you had 11 hours and 19 more minutes to wait.

*Levi's POV*

I paced back and forth out side HQ's steps hoping to see (y/n) return, Hanji and Irwin watched with pity and concern. this most definitely wasn't like (y/n), what if she was hurt? or lost? she wouldn't just run away like that, we had our ups and down but we always got through them together, maybe I had gone to far this time.

"If she isn't back by morning well launch a hunt for her but she might come back on her own, you should come in and rest Levi, standing out here won't do you any good" Irwin said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh of defeat and agreed.

127 hours ~ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now