Chapter 6: Everything is Fine Now

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(Envy's POV)

I woke up to start, I had just heard a very loud, blood curdling scream.

I looked to my side and paniced,

(Y/n) wasn't there! I threw the covers off my body, and ran out the door, which wasn't supposed to be open. I ran down the hallway and down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard a bunch of noise comming from the kitchen. I cautiously walked to the doors of the kitchen, and peeked my head through the door frame. My eyes widened then filled with anger. The kitchen was a mess, everything was on the floor, but what truly made me mad was Gluttony in the corner of the room holding (y/n) about to bite her head off.

I stomped into the room. You do not know how mad I was, both (y/n) and Gluttony had disobeyed my orders! Gluttony looked up from the crying (y/n) and looked at me with a murderous smile.

"Hello Envy, look I found a snack!" Gluttony chirped, he sounded really happy.

"Gluttony, I want you to put (y/n) down. Now." I said with quite a threatening voice.

Gluttony smile turned into a sad smile, but then back into a sadistic smile. "Sorry Envy, I'm hungry, and I only follow orders that Lust gives me."

I couldn't go get Lust right now, it would be to late by the time I got back. "Gluttony, I will ask one more time, put (y/n) down, and if you don't, I will have no choice but to use force."

"No." Gluttony chirped then opened his mouth wide prepared to scarf down (y/n).

(Y/n) let out a scream for help, while me on the other hand, ran at Gluttony and jumped him, causing him to drop (y/n).

(Normal POV)

You fell to the floor, but quickly looked up to see Gluttony and Envy fighting each other. Well, Envy looked like he was fighting, Gluttony seemed to be trying to get away.

Envy turned his arm into a blade and lunged at Gluttony, but instead of Envy cutting him to pieces, Gluttony opened his mouth and bit Envy on the shoulder.

"ENVY!!!!" You screamed. Envy quickly backed away, then healed his arm.

You tried to run to him.

"STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! I'll deal with you later!" He yelled, for some reason he was really mad at you.

You froze, not daring to move. Envy looked away from you to look at Gluttony. Envy charged at Gluttony, but this time, way more faster. Before Gluttony could do anything, Envy sliced his head clean off.

"That's what you get for not following orders" Envy said changing his arm back to normal.

Gluttony got up from the floor, and slowly regrew his head back. He looked back at Envy, who was glaring at him. Gluttony yelped and fled the room.

Envy sighed, but the glare returned when he looked over at you. Envy began to stomp towards you. You felt like running, but your feet wouldn't move, and besides, you probably wouldn't be able to get away. Envy looked down at you, looking into your terrified (e/c) eyes. Before you could say anything, he started yelling at you.



Before you could finish your sentence, Envy's lips crashed his into your's. Your eyes widened as Envy pulled away. He still had a pissed off face as he leaned into your ear.

"Don't ever disobey my orders again" Envy whispered into your ear.

You quickly nodded your head, and Envy pulled away from your ear.

"Good" he said before he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room.

~Time Skip~

Envy opened the door to your and pushed you in. You both sat on the bed in silence, well, untill Envy heard you crying.

"Uugg, why are you crying" Envy groaned while throwing his head back.

"B-because your mad at me a-and I don't like it when your mad, i-it's scary" you sniffled, tears still going down your face.

Envy eyes widened at you. His mad expression on his face melted as he brought you into a warm hug. You cried into his chest, but also hugged back.

"I'm sorry" he said, "it's just that... I didn't want you to get hurt."

Envy began to stroke you (h/l) (h/c). After a while you began to calm down, and were taking deep breaths in Envy's chest. When you stopped taking deep breaths, Envy grabbed your chin to make you look up at him.

"(Y/n), I'm not used to this feeling, but I think I love you."

Envy lightly planted his lips on your's in a passionate kiss. You were surprised at first, but kissed back. Envy put his arms around your waist, while you put your arms around his neck. This kiss was so much nicer than before, and it made you so happy that he liked you. Sadly, you two had to pull away because of this stupid thing called oxygen.


"Yes (y/n)"

"I think I love you too."

Envy smiled at you, but this smile was different from his other smiles. This was a true, happy smile, not one of his creepy, weird smirks that are alway plastered across his face.

Envy layed you both down on the bed, and covered you both with blankets. He grabbed you and held you close, while you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

You could still hear the screams of the people outside, but it didn't scare you anymore. Because you knew, you had a caring humunculus to look after you.


Well, that's the end.
Tell me if you want a sequel, because I have a few ideas for a sequel.
~bye everyone :3

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