C h a p t e r 9

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Chapter 9 : MadelynSunday, July 18th, 2021

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Chapter 9 : Madelyn
Sunday, July 18th, 2021

"Run." A chilling voice says in my ear.

I hear the command, but my body does not obey.

My feet remain planted to the concrete steps and my heart continues to bang rapidly against my chest.

How can this be possible?

My brain struggles to comprehend the fact that I was indeed right about what I saw. The alarmed expressions worn on Caleb and Alec's faces confirm my fearful thoughts.

They are murders. All three, including the one standing so close behind me that I can feel his body each time his chest rises and falls.

How did the cops not realize this?

The luminol test came back as negative, meaning there were no traces of blood on the areas that were tested.

Is it possible they were somehow in on this too?

I mean I've seen police officers get paid off on TV, but it's so much different experiencing it personally.

"Are you deaf? I told you to run." Xavier growled into my ear, taking a step back from my body.

His voice was calm, but it only made this whole interaction that much more unnerving.

It was as if he were encouraging me to escape just so he could have the inevitable chase of it.

While his action shocked me, I have to admit I was thankful for it. I could finally breathe again without his presence stealing the air from my lungs.

But still, I don't do as he asks.

That's probably exactly what they want, for me to run to a place where no one is around. Then they can kill me with no witnesses.

Not if I can help it.

Gathering all of the courage I have inside of me, I turn around to see a perfectly composed Xavier staring down at me.

His gaze is cold, and his eyes are just as dark as they were when I recently saw him in the building— when he had the blood of his victim splattered across his face.

I expected him to be angry or even worrisome at my realization, but instead, he too just stands there.

It makes me feel uneasy, because it's not what I had expected from him.

His left eyebrow raises slightly at my defiance, but no one moves.

He clearly doesn't like to talk much, but that doesn't stop him from trying to intimidate me by his presence alone.

It's working, but I know he can't kill me as long as there are people around. If he tried to move me himself, it would cause a scene and that's not something he will risk.

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