●•༺The Hunt༺•●

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Species : LavaWing (dragon).
Fantribe owner : Scoria (LavaWing's amino).
Book Author : Tui Sutherland.
Character owner : Me (Blackout Unit).
Setting : On the outskirts of the Lava and Magma Kingdom, on the plains and forest of an island.
Characters : Abyss
Words : 1333 words written.
Warnings : Contains cursing (I think-), blood, death, hunting and Fantribes, if you're uncomfortable with any of this please click off.

Mm enjoy lol



Abyss could feel the wind pulse against his scales harshly as he soared through the sky. The pastel colors of blue above dotted with the fluffy white clouds that were shaped Cirrus. From what-seemed-small landscape below him of the rising and falling seas to rich islands of green and gold.

It was one of those days Abyss would need to hunt, to both sell it in the market and to actually eat it. As it usually took only a few days for his storage of meat to expire or be gone, due to the particularly hot temperatures giving him not too many options for a cool area, Abyss would need to hunt.

Although he could always buy meat at the Kingdom or any of those delicious ores- which were usually very expensive to someone in his poor class, what would be the fun in walking around looking for food? Yes, that was basically hunting, looking around before spotting prey, it gave a lot more of a exciting vibe, and it wasn't like he was the only LavaWing doing this.

Abyss angled his wings in the strong air currents once seeing the familiar prey-rich island come into view. Simply enough, as he came closer to the ground in a landing, Abyss spread his white wings upward to slow down his fall, out reaching his front talons and legs like a hawk about to catch a rabbit.

Landing gracefully on the island, his talons immediately began to burn the vegetation beneath him. Being a LavaWing, did have its ups and downs. Like trying not to burn whole forests or dragons down in seconds, like how Firescale SkyWings were capable of.

Instead of griping to himself about it like a Dragonet, he sniffed the fresh open air for any nearby prey. Of course, a scent of burning beneath him, and the exciting smells that filled the moor and faraway forest. Rabbits, ferrets, rodents, sheep, all kinds of stuff. Although if he were to sell anything, he would need something bigger than a rabbit or weasel, and maybe a sheep.

Abyss began to run forward, the tall golden grasses brushing against his wings and underbelly, the soft feel of earth beneath his claws and a rush of wind blowing into him. Abyss' eyes scanned the moor, trying to spot things with his sharp senses that his nose could not detect.

The small gray dragon could see some things, such as sheep, boar, horses, birds, mostly everything he would usually see and hunt. As Abyss was drawing closer to the faraway forests edge, he suddenly could pick up a rather unfamiliar, yet extraordinary scent without even having to breath it in.

He forced himself to stop, stumbling in the process to slow down and take a look at where it could be coming from. Abyss' sharp, red dragon-blood-eyes darted around the clearing, his gaze traveling nearer to where the scent was.

To where the unfamiliar scent was coming from, the small gray dragon could see his next target of prey. A large, brown stag with great horns was grazing at the forests edge, All alone with no herd near. Abyss had never hunted a stag before, yes, he has hunted deer, but only the Doe's.

'Might as well hunt him, it could be could be something new to look after about them if I do attack another.' Abyss thought, while getting Into a crouch position. He folded in his wings together fairly close to his body and laid his tail close to the ground, barley just touching it.

The LavaWing began to creep forward, slowly like a hunting lion and quietly like an owl flying. He had been practicing both stealth for fighting and hunting with his parents, as you would never know when you'd need it.

Abyss stopped when he was close enough to the stag where he wouldn't see, as if it looked up and saw Abyss creeping up on him, the stag would make a run for it in the forest, and Abyss wasn't so keen on chasing. He flicked his tail in the large grass, sending a noise of rustle with the wind.

Abyss would only need noise to get the Stag to look up. As what the dragon usually did was obviously creep up on prey, send a bit of noise around to get them confused, and once striking at them, he'll usually have enough time to pull them down as they try to run away.

He moved one of his gray talons backwards to crush grass beneath, it sent a cracking noise over the strong wind. The Stag looked up from its grazing, its beady black eyes gazing around innocently. The large deer turned its head to the side to look into the forest. Which have Abyss the perfect chance to attack.

His eyes dilated into slits as he leaped forward towards the Stag, a loud roar escaping his jaws. The Stags head shot up towards the dragon, rearing up and turning to escape. Abyss' body crashed into the Stags, sending the two males to the ground.

The Stag shrieked as Abyss dug his claws into its soft flesh, kicking its legs wildly to escape. Abyss grunted, the large Stags struggling making it harder to kill it. He reached out of bloody talon to hold its legs together, the kicking making his other claws tear open more of the Stags sweet smelling flesh.

Suddenly, Abyss was kicked off the Stag forcefully in the stomach, sending his back onto the ground. He growled in pain, clutching his now bleeding stomach, which had tiny cutted scratches of a Stags horn resemblance in them, realizing the Stag must've kicked him off.

Which was indeed correct, as when Abyss looked back up the Stag was struggling to stand, in a state of obvious fear and shock. It's horns covered in blood from the angle it hit Abyss' soft and vulnerable stomach.

He wanted to use his fire now to burn the thing for giving him a possibly new scar, yet it would burn the moor, forest and his food. Grunting in pain Abyss leaped back up, running in front of the stag before it could start running into the forest.

It reared back again, turning to escape to the moor. He ran over to block its path as well, beginning to circle the Stag just to alarm it. It huffed, bending its head down to shown its horns and kicking up a hoof. A dueling position. Abyss snorted, knowing it would charge at him any minute.

Abyss stood where he was, a plan already formed in his head. Not much longer, the Stag ran forward at him quickly. Abyss dove under to avoid the horns, bringing out his claws to scar the Stag's side, circling to the other side to push it down to the ground.

It shrieked again, kicking its legs helplessly. Abyss held it down, one talon of its side and the other on its head. He raised his head up, before slamming into back down onto the Stags neck with open jaws. The Stag shrieked louder, the strong taste of blood and meat filled Abyss' mouth.

Digging his talons deeper into its flesh, Abyss turned his head to the side where the Stags head would not be able to go normally, a loud snapping noise following it when feeling a bone break in the Stag, killing it.

He stepped back, looking up and down at the dead deer in a pride that he killed one of them. Abyss looked up at the sky for a solid moment, he whispered a thanks to the Stag, for both food and new hunting techniques, before beginning to drag it off.


Summary 1: Abyss goes hunting on an island and kills a Stag.

Am done


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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