His past and future met

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"I'm sorry to say that Mr. Jeon, just please have a rest as per prescription," a tall doctor with broad shoulders uttered and smiled.

Jungkook who was lying on the hospital bed, closed his eyes with resentment, his brows furrowed. He breathes heavily whilst balling his fist.

His frustrations paused when a guy in his brown suit went in, carrying a bag in his arms.

He stood in front of Jungkook's bed and sighed. "About your condition, you-" he spoke.

Jungkook aggressively slammed his hand on the table beside him, throwing the drinking glasses and flowers on the ground that made the man sighed heavily disappointed.

Jungkook screamed out "Ahhh!" His veins popping out in vision, his face flushed red due to pressure and breathing exhausts.

"Hey, listen. I'm here to be an older brother and not to be your manager. Gather yourself up and think of what to do with your remaining time," the man said, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Jungkook stared at him, his furious gaze subsided.

"Whatever happens, I'll be here. Not as your manager but a brother..." he added beaming for comfort and sincerity.


Jungkook turned the TV on, only to see his name on the morning news headlines. He scoffed and turned the TV off again, looking at the clear blue sky outside his window he whispered to himself.

"From everything to nothing at all..." he said, blinking once.

He then tucked himself to bed and shut his eyes closed when his phone rang. He reached for his phone below his pillow and received it.

"I just got out of the hospital for this week's therapy brother, I'll head to the apartment to brace for school. University classes are commencing soon..." a young lady with a sweet voice spoke over the phone.

Jungkook smiled.

"Great then, take care little sis. Just tell me or Woozi, if you need something. Okay?" he said.

The girl giggled and replied, "Of course, I will. You seem not yourself, you're fine?" which made him smile again.

His smile gradually faded. "Nothing I can do. I'm doing great, I promise..." he replied after.

"Have a successful tour to Paris then! Take care!" somi hanged up.

Jungkook's phone beeped text. "World Tour's canceled for months. Our label's publicist announced your necessary vacation. Lots of bucks were wasted but what's more important is you. Have your healing there, you still have time to live life and while you can fight, fight..." he read in mind.

"Woozi, I'm blessed to have you brother..." he mumbled and smiled.


Jungkook was walking through the ground floor, skeptically observing people's businesses. Realizing that he's in public, he adjusted his face mask and baseball cap as he carefully walked to the sides.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Jeon!" his quarter nurse said before him. He shushed the nurse, earning a chuckle from her as she walked past him.

He reached an exclusive lobby where patients freely interact with one another. Elderlies and teenagers laughed with their volunteers. Kids were buildings their Lego toys and some were reading.

A young lady in a blue dress laughed out loud that shifted his attention. Eyeing the girl, he noticed that she's his sister, Jeon Somi. His eyes went wide, he felt fear as he sweats.

Abruptly, he hid behind the huge bookshelf. He peeked from behind and saw a woman in yellow who was laughing with his sister. The ladies were playing Jenga as he saw.

"Eunha unnie, just tell me the truth come on! Ahh..." Somi yelled, throwing her tantrums as she stomped her feet and giggled.

"Okay easy, hold on..." Eunha replied, leaning her arms on the table as she grinned.

After the witnessing, he retreated back and walked across the glass door.

Minutes later, he came back with tangerines and biscuits inside a brown paper bag. He was smiling soon as he entered the place but he ceased walking only to hid back behind the bookshelf and sighed. He gazed at the nurse a meter away from him and beamed.

The 30-year old female nurse landed the snack on the ladies' table and grinned. "Girls, you all should have a rest and snack on these healthy crumbs. Go on..." she said, the ladies gazed at the snacks.

"From who?" Somi asked, grinning. "Uhm, nutritionist. It's a free one, come on..." the nurse replied, patting their shoulders.

"Must be a freebie for successful therapies huh?" Eunha ensured, opening the bags.

Somi's smile faded, her gaze dragged down. "Why?" Eunha asked, holding her hand.

"The snacks are a combination my older brother only knows of. I miss him. After mom's death, we barely met because he's busy. We only talk over the phone and that's it, my brother is my only family left unnie..." Somi uttered, still looking down on her clutched hands.

Eunha smiled and gently patted the younger's head. "Oh come on, we're friends. You got me! Tell me, when's your birthday, we'll begin by that," she said back and giggled but somi lost her big smile.

Jungkook heard the spoken words that made him gaze at his sister who was now smiling as she talked with Eunha. His eyes were sadly dull.

Whilst he continues to observe, a handsome young doctor came by and sat beside somi. His eyes widen and slowly squinted seeing the doctor's hand on his sister's right pink cheek. The protective brother in him won.

"Taehyung..." somi mumbled surprised, earning a smile from the doctor.

Somi and the doctor with beautifully defined facial features were smiling at each other. The doctor stopped his gentle caress and took out one tangerine, carefully peeling it through his beautiful hands. He then gave one slice to Somi, who bit it cutely making the doctor and Eunha chuckle.

"Doctor Kim, here you are! They need you for some inquiry at the Emergency room..." a male doctor who came by standing beside said. Doctor Kim quickly stood up.

"Thanks, doctor Park," Doctor Kim said smiling and immediately left the table in response. Doctor Park Jimin then sat with the two ladies, leaning his elbow on the table as he listened to their stories proudly smiling.

Jungkook then pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed in anger. He was about to approach them when his sister laughed loud as she hit the doctor on the shoulder. Jungkook deeply sighed, his attention shifted to the latest commotion near his sister.

Eunha stood up and went to an old man in his wheelchair who just arrived with his nurse.

"Grandpa Choi! Here I've finished your present..." Eunha expressed as she crouched down, offering a red knitted sweater. The old patient grabbed it and chuckled as he hugged her.

"Such a blessing, my child..." the man replied. "Now, you gotta have that smile before the operation, okay?" Eunha said, grinning.

Jungkook, calmingly observed the new girl before his view. Eyes wandering around, he quickly exited the hospital lobby fumingly sad.


When he came back to his hospital room. Jungkook removed his cap and face mask while he set himself on the edge of the bed. Closing his eyes, he exhaled a deep breath.

His gaze shifted from the floor to the table beside his bed. There, he saw a yellow sticky note that read:

"Got you your essentials inside the cabinet, prescribed foods inside the fridge, paid your sister's tuition, and these books for leisure. Don't dare to open your social media accounts for now. Need anything, send me your words..."

Out of curiosity, he took one of the three books, opened it, and scanned it over.

"Are we alive?" he read the book's title. "I guess; we aren't..." he uttered. He proceeded to read some details and read, "Author, Yellow Blood..." which made him smirk. 

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