Origins: HellFrost

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Shoto POV:

Imagine your own father abusing you because in his fucked up mind, you are his 'perfect creation'. There are no perfect parents but at least try to think about your actions before using your own kid for your own desires.

I was his so-called 'perfect creation.' Fucked up right?

It all started when I was a little kid at the age of four when I was about to manifest my own quirk. I was the youngest out of my 4 siblings. My oldest brother, Touya, has been training with my father for god knows how long.

In my father's eyes, he was also perfect, inheriting his own fire quirk that was also powerful like his. His quirk is named cremation, he could conjure up blue flames in his hands that could turn anything to ash.

My father was proud of him. He was proud since he could make it to the top of the hero world which is a shitty mindset if you ask me. He would train my brother 24/7. It was to the point where Touya would often burn his skin with overuse and my father would just yell at him to power through it.

You ask why he was training him so hard? That's because our father is Endeavor, the #2 hero in all of Japan. He wanted to be #1 but is unable to since the top spot is All Might, the symbol of peace.

And because of that, he decided that he will pass on his bullshit dreams and shitty desire to us, his kids. I have 2 more siblings namely Fuyumi and Natsuo, but my father didn't train them as he did with Touya because they both have ice-based quirks like my mother.

So he mainly focuses on Touya and my 2 siblings avoided his hellish training and not the same could be said for our older brother. They both would just stand there holding me in their arms since I was still young, in the doors of our backyard, and watch our brother train his quirk.

By the time I was about to manifest my quirk, I overheard my father saying something that he could feel that I was about to manifest a powerful quirk that might even surpass my brother's on quirk. That made me feel scared, because if that were to happen then I'm going to undergo his hellish training.

The day arrived of our appointment with the quirk doctor and others would be happy and excited to finally know their quirk, but my fear was the only emotion I could feel. The fear of being trained by my father, to the point of collapsing out of exhaustion. That scared me.

We were given special treatment because my father is the #2 hero in all of Japan. We didn't need to wait in line and just headed straight for the door. I cursed at the special treatment since I don't want to know my quirk at all, I was hoping that it was an Ice based quirk like my mother's. But my guts told me that it won't be like that at all.

When we arrived at the quirk doctor's office we were seated in front of his desk and were waiting for him. I got anxious and scared of knowing my quirk and I started fiddling with my fingers trying to calm myself down.

I guess my father noticed me since he grabbed my hands and started patting them and rubbing them trying to calm me down. I was surprised since he had never done that before. I looked up to him and he looked back at me with kind eyes and a small smile on his face.

"Listen Shoto, whatever your quirk is won't matter to me and I won't love you any less." He said to me and that made me happy and I gave him a smile back.

By the time our little moment ended the doctor came in and sat on his chair. "Hello their Mr. Todoroki, I see your youngest is now finally 4 years old." The doctor said and my father nodded in agreement. "We are here to figure out what my Shoto's quirk is." He said in a firm voice.

He brought me to another room and conducted tests to figure out my quirk. 30 minutes have passed and I was brought back to my father and waited for the result that took another 30 minutes.

When the doctor arrived holding the result, he had a smile on his face that made it obvious that I had an amazing quirk. When he sat down he looked at us with the same smile on his face as he started reading the results to us.

"Well, it seems that little Shoto over here indeed has a powerful quirk. We called it half-cold half-hot. On his right side he can generate ice and on his left side flames can be produced."

My father was happy that his eyes widened with a grin on his face, but not the same could be said with me since fear etched all over my face.

When we got home, we were greeted by everyone at the front door with poppers, balloons, and even a big cake. I tried my best to be happy and forced myself to smile. Everyone noticed this but shrugged it off.

That same night I couldn't sleep, thinking about what my father was planning for me. I walked out of my room to get a cup of water when I overheard my father talking with my mother.

I could hear that my father was planning to train me because I was his 'perfect creation' and that I have the power to be #1 and my mother tried to protest but gave in when he promised to not overwork me.
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He was a liar.

By the next day, I was woken up by my father at around 5am to start my training. First, he started hurling his burning flames right at me, not even trying to hold back. I tried my best to dodge but I wasn't as athletic as he hoped for yet.

He shouted at me for not being able to dodge his simple fireballs. My other sibling was woken up by his screaming and they went out of their rooms to find me sweating and being fired by flaming balls of fury.

They know more than anyone not to interrupt the training or they'll be punished. I was hoping that they might try to stop father but no one did. They just looked at me with worry and did absolutely nothing.

This went on for 4 more years.

And because of those 4 years, I have accumulated a large scar burn on the left side of my face, caused by a training accident by my father when he shot too much fire and it hit me in my face. Instead of helping me he just yelled at me for being too weak and slow to dodge.

My mother immediately rushed over to me and tried to cool the burn down with her ice. She started screaming at my father for hurting me and being reckless. He just scoffed and ended our training there.

Now I'm 8 years old. My mother decided to have me take a break for once and told me that we were going to the park. Just the two of us. I nodded my head and changed my clothes and packing my bag.

We arrived at the park and it was relatively sunny. We sat down under a tree in the shade and relaxed for a little bit before mother told me to go and play, but to come back in an hour or so. I nodded and walked towards where most kids were playing.

As I was walking I heard crying behind one of the bushes. As I walked closer I found a kid the same age as me. He had green fluffy curly hair, freckles all around his cheeks, and big bright green emerald eyes. He was curling with his head down and arms around his knees. Soon another kid showed up. He had ash-blonde spiky hair and crimson red orbs.

That is where I met the two that I will call friends for the rest of my life.

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