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It was fated to be...

She stood between the kingdoms of Heaven and hell, gazing into the shadow of the fallen. Perched at the threshold between darkness and Light, staring into the realm of the forgotten. Reluctant to leave the safety of the Kingdom of Life, holding on to the embrace of the almighty. Unwilling to let go of the celestial warmth, her heart beating with the soul of the Divine...

And she was afraid.

Afraid of the darkness that ravages the fallen, the temptation that corrodes the soul. Afraid of the shadows that enslave the spirit, the blasphemy that ravishes the heart. Afraid of the twilight, the blindness of night, the illusions that shatter the resolve. Afraid of the depths, the abyssal shades, the shackles that enchain the will...

So she closed her eyes.

She imagined a universe where there was only light - the light of friendship, of harmony, of eternal life. She visualised a realm where there was only warmth - the warmth of peace, of hope, of beauty divine. She dreamt of a world overflowing with love - the love of grace, of mercy, of splendour unashamed. She envisioned a Kingdom Within brimming with glory - the glory of faith, of courage, of power untamed...

And she remembered that her dream lives within her heart.

A spark reignited in her beating heart, as she reawakened to the presence of the Light. A flame rekindled in her glowing chest, as she rediscovered the majesty of the sublime. A fire of radiance, of burning passion, guiding her steps into the shadows. A flicker of divinity, of undying courage, lighting her path into the darkness...

And the fear was swept away.

So she entered.

A path dimly lit appeared beneath her feet, leading into the territory of the fallen. A passage of twilight materialised before her eyes, woven into the realm of the forgotten. A journey of adversity her spirit would undertake, to fulfil her heavenly calling. An endeavour of tribulation her soul would attest, to realise her sovereign destiny...

She was ready.

Or was she?

Within her first step upon the staircase of the fallen, hell felt her power acclaimed. Within her first mark upon the halls of the forgotten, the darkness sensed her unvanquished beauty. Within her first movement, the shadows conspired for her fall. Within her second breath, the abyss chose to desire her soul...

And they would stop at nothing to ensure that she will not rise.

She turned around, distraught with sorrow, to see heaven one last time. She gazed deeply, overwhelmed with grief, staring at the gateway's light. A tear, drawn from her heart, upon her angelic face. A sob, spoken from her soul, below her watery eyes...

Returning to the darkness, she began the pilgrimage of eternities...

And the Light wept at the knowledge of her destiny.

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