BONUS: Meeting the MLB characters

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Congratulations, you're now living in Paris! You were introduced to everyone in class, but how do you first start talking to the main characters? Use your second emoji


🐨 🐌🦈: he was the DJ at your party

🦆 🦗🐹: a teacher asked him to show you the school

🐫 (🐿️+🦓): you fought over free movie theater tickets

🦛 💨: you walked into the boy's bathroom

🥝 🐜: you were partners in music class

🦔 🦨: he sat with you at lunch

🎐 🦟: you had an awful time at the petting zoo and he laughed

🦝 😈: Alya introduced you as her partner in crime

🦣 🐊: he lost Chris at the park and found you playing with him


😈 🐊 🦝: you helped film an akuma attack

 🦟 (🐿️+🦓) 🦗: you were hired to babysit the twins

🐹 🐜: a Doctor Who convention where you both won best costume

🦆 🦈: you dated her sister Nora

🥝 🦣: you trolled the Ladyblog and she tracked you down

🐫 🦨: you work at the zoo w/ her dad

🦔 🦛: Marinette invited you to a girls' day

🐌🎐: Andre gave you matching ice cream 

💨 🐨: you scared her at an escape room


🎐 🥝 🦈: he made a boring art exhibit fun

🦛 🐜 🦝: you ran a school fair booth together

🦣 💨: you're cousins

🐹 (🐿️+🦓): he gave you directions

🦔 🐨: you watched Kitty Section play

🐫 🦗: your guardians went on a double date

🦟 🦨: you signed up for his guitar lessons

🐊 🐌: you were pen pals before you moved

😈 🦆: you fed the same stray cat


🥝 🦆 😈: Nino switched desk seats with you when in trouble

🦗 🐹 🦛: he helped you find a library book

🐊 🐜: you wrote a piano piece for him to play

🐨 🐫: you spilled popcorn on him at the movie theaters

🦈 💨: he confronted you about a bad rumor

🎐 (🐿️+🦓): the limo ran you over

🦝 🦟: you asked for his autograph

🐌 🦔: you modeled for a photoshoot together

🦨 🦣: you joined Kitty Section


🐨 🐫 🦟: you delivered her Ladybug costume

🦆 💨 🦈: your guardian met with the mayor

🦗 🥝: during an internship at Style Queen

🦛 🦨: you wandered into her ballet box seat

🐊 🐹: you were both sent to the principal

🦝 🦣: you see the same nail artist

😈 🐌: when your chemistry project exploded

🐜 🎐: you helped her plan Sabrina's birthday party

(🐿️+🦓) 🦔: you gave her an assignment she missed


🦔 🦗 😈: she helped you when Lila tried blaming you for her plan

🦟 🦛 (🐿️+🦓): you babysat Alya's sisters while they went out

💨 🐜: you accidently spread a rumor

🦆 🐌: you shopped at her bakery

🦣 🐫: when her jacket got stuck in the subway

🐨 🐹: she followed your date w/ Luka

🐊 🦝: you were partners for a school project

🎐 🦈: you got VIP passes for Jagged Stone

🥝 🦨: she passive-aggressively told you to leave Adrien alone


(🐿️+🦓) 🐌 🦟: at a sleepover at Chloe's house

🦔 🐜 🦛: Marinette invited you out

🎐 💨: you went to the same art exhibit

🐊 🦝: you went on a blind date together

🐨 😈: Adrien introduced you 

🦨 🐫: you tried out for fencing

🦈 🥝: she attacked you as Oni-Chan and apologized

🦆 🐹: while playing a game of Truth or Dare

🦣 🦗: she tried complimenting you but it sounded like an insult

Ladybug and Chat Noir:

🐹 🦈 🐌: they saved you from an akuma

🐜 🐊 🦆: you followed them on patrol

(🐿️+🦓) 🦟: Master Fu asked you to deliver a message

🦛 💨: you asked if they could model for you

🥝 😈: when you got lost during your first transformation

🦗 🐨: you sent (Ladybug/Chat) fan mail and they bragged

🐫 🦔: while volunteering at the police station

🦝 🎐: you won a meet-and-greet contest

🦣 🦨: they commented on an embarrassing fanfic you wrote

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