Chapter One

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"I got a flush." I beam proudly, dropping my cards on the table. The rest of the men sitting at the table groan. One even cusses at me.

I gather up all my gold coins. "Maybe you'll beat me next time." I tease lightly.

The men only leave the table, mumbling curses at me under their breath. I push my chair back, but remained seated.

"Emmett Chance?" A soft voice questions, saying my name.

I look up into the face of a beautiful young woman. "Can I help you ma'am?" I study her, taking in all her features. Dark brown hair, shiny brown eyes, perfect complexion.

"You're the bounty hunter they call Copperhead, aren't ya?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am, I am."

She pauses, seemingly hesitating. "I don't reckon I could get you to do a job for me?"

I lean back in my chair so the front legs were off the ground. "It depends. What's the job?" I ask her.

"Last week, my pa went after a dangerous cowboy they call The Rattlesnake." I straighten, the chair legs hitting the floor with a loud slam. The Rattlesnake? I heard that name before. Most, ahem, all men who went up against him died.

"My pa never came back. Maybe you could find my pa and get rid of the Rattlesnake once and for all?" She asks. "I'll be willing to pay you handsomely." She then adds.

I move to my feet, sighing. "I'll find your father but I can't guarantee that he'll be alive. As for the Rattlesnake, I'll try to see what I can do. "

The woman nearly overflows with happiness. "Thank you so much!"

I only nod. "What's your name miss?"

"Callie Winters."

"Well Callie Winters, I'll make sure your father is avenged. May I ask where they were going to find The Rattlesnake."

Callie bites her lip, pausing to think. "The mountain a days out from here. I think my pa said it was called Rattlestream."

I resist a laugh, finding humor in the name. The Rattlesnake hanging around Rattlestream? Of course he is. I tip my hat to Callie, leaving the saloon to prepare for my trip.

I step out on the deck, taking in the sights of Desert Creek. A town that got it's name from the dried up creek near by. If it wasn't for the lake a few miles out, they'd probably all be dead from dehydration by now.

I untie my horse, West, from the post outside the saloon. I gently tug on the reigns so he'll follow me.

I'd probably need to buy some stuff from the general store. Food, extra ammo, probably should fill some extra canteens in case I couldn't find any water.

I stop outside the general store, hoping to make this quick. The sooner I could leave, the sooner I could get back and get paid.

"You leaving us Chance?" The clerk asks me when I go to pay for my supplies.

"Only for a couple days. I got job I'm hoping to finish quick." I reply, handing him the correct change for my items.

"Really? Anyone I would know?" He asks.

"The Rattlesnake."

The man nearly drops the coins in his hands. He clears his throat, straighten. "Is that so? Who gave this job?" He tries to steady his voice but fails terribly.

"A young woman called Callie Winters. Her father was killed going after him." I take my supplies and drop them into a leather bag.

The clerk shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's worth it son. The Rattlesnake has killed too many men. I'd hate to see you go."

I smile at him. "I know what I'm getting into."

"Be careful, I worry that he might decide to come into town and kill us all. I don't want to give him a reason to do that." The clerk tells me, worried lines forming on his face.

I nod. "I'll see ya." I tell him, exiting the building. 

I sling the leather bag over West. I'll stop by the lake and get some water then I can head to Rattlestream. Lord be with me.


Rattlestream was a lot bigger than I expected. It span way across the land, I could barely see where it started and where it ended.

I slide off of West, walking closer to investigate. Crows and vultures surrounded the mountain, which told me this was the right place.

But no horses? Surely the men didn't walk here. I wonder if The Rattlesnake took them. Probably sold them for profit. That's one way to do it.

I notice a body near the bottom of the mountain. I step closer, raising my eyebrow at it.

Either this man didn't follow the others on the mountain or he tried to escape. I crouch next to the body, covering my face with a handkerchief. The birds didn't get to him yet but he still didn't look great or smell great.

I study his face. He held a resemblance to Callie, if he wasn't so decayed. This must be her father.

There was a soft sound of rocks crunching behind me and the subtle noise of boot spurs. I straighten up, spinning on my heel.

The Rattlesnake pulls out his gun the second I face him. I smile, raising my hands slowly. "Before you kill me, allow me to introduce myself." I tell him.

I study the man before me. He was tall, surprisingly so. He wore all black even in this heat and he had a black mask covering his face, only his icy blue eyes were showing.

"I know who you are." His voice was extremely deep with a thick accent.

"Ah well, at least one of us are caught up." I mutter. "May I know your name?"

He doesn't reply, He just continues to point the gun at my face. I could reach for my gun but then he'd shoot me. He has me and he knows it.

"Or do you prefer The Rattlesnake?" I question.

"You're the bounty hunter. The one they call Copperhead, I reckon you're here to kill me." I hint a smile in his voice. Like my attempt to take him down was almost laughable. And I reckon it was.

"I'm just here to get closure for a young girl who lost her father. That man right there." I say.

I notice the side of his face was wet. With blood. "You're hurt." He remains silent so I push him further. "I guess you're not so invincible after all." I don't try to hide my grin.

I step towards him. "I suppose one of the guys up there got you?" The Rattlesnake glares at me, but still doesn't pull the trigger. "I'm much more skilled than them so how do you think this is going to go?"

He laughs.

Actually laughs. The sound sends a chill down my spine. The Rattlesnake grabs my shoulder in an iron grip. He presses the gun up against my stomach. "I suggest you shut up before I shoot you." He tells me in a deadly tone causing me to stiffen.

Then a loud blast goes off.

The Rattlesnake and The CopperheadWhere stories live. Discover now