Why don't we have a game?- Chapter five

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Hinata Pov

Today has been one of the best days I have had in a while. Yesterday when we arrived in Tokyo I definitely had my doubts about coming back. But of course, with the help of my team, I have been able to let loose and just have fun. I haven't bumped into anyone unwanted. No old school "friends", no family and no middle school basketball teammates. Today is a good day.

Walking around my old home city "sightseeing" has bought back so many good and bad memories and has honestly left me feeling a little emotional. Of course, I have been acting as if this is the first time I've seen most of the places we have been to today but I don't think anyone has been suspicious. I mean I've been acting like my loud excited self I don't think anyone has noticed anything out of the ordinary which is good. The less they know about me the better.

For the first part of the day, the whole team went to a nearby shrine to pray for good health and luck for the upcoming training camp that we are participating in. We didn't stay too long but I think we all enjoyed the peace and quiet. Next, we travelled out to Ueno Park and walked around there for a bit. I honestly forgot how minuscule the parks in Miyagi are compared to the ones here in Tokyo but they are both equally as stunning. The water was so clear it was like I was looking into a mirror. We eventually split up to go shopping for a little bit, agreeing to all meet up back at Ueno park at around 2 so we could head to Maji Burger straight afterwards.

Maji Burger has been around since I was little. I remember going there for the first time after school with my mom and sister one day when I was still in elementary school, and ordering the orange, mango and vanilla milkshake with a burger and fries. It was from that day on my family became regular customers. To think my parents you know the ones who were obsessed with my success in basketball would let me eat regularly at fast food place is saying something. It's that good. Maji burger is definitely the hidden gem of Tokyo in my eyes. Try and convince me otherwise because it won't work.

Kageyama and I wandered around the bustling streets occasionally stopping to venture into a store. By the end of our little shopping trip, I had two full bags of plushies and candy for Hikari. For Aunt Kanna I decided to get her a simple jasmine scented candle. Don't judge ok I know it's basic but what do you even buy your ridiculously overdramatic and outgoing aunt? Kageyama and I had decided to also get matching Kumihimo bracelets with the same pattern. He chose an orange and white coloured one for me while I chose a dark navy blue one for him. Hand in hand we made our way back to the said meeting spot.

Maji burger timeeeee!

The pure thought of it made me drool. Suga, Daichi, Ennoshita and Tanaka were the first to arrive with us only a few minutes behind them. In the distance, we could see the exhausted-looking ace of ours carrying a defeated libero over his shoulder with four large bags of random souvenirs ranging from plushies to tasers? I- Im not even going to ask.

"Woah what happened to you guys!" Tanaka exclaimed as the taller male set Nishinoya down eyes blazing with evident anger.

"Some lady thought he was my son who was in elementary school. Obviously, it didn't go down too well." He said looking down at the shorted male who was now pouting. Snickers erupted throughout the group as Tanaka started to tease his best friend. After a few more minutes of waiting, everyone had arrived and as a group, we all started walking in the direction of the restaurant. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning and judging by the loud sounds coming from my grumbling stomach I don't think it's happy with me.

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